Breaking Bad by Balenciaga: explanation, video, meme

„Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“ is a deepfake video that used AI technology to transform the characters from „Breaking Bad“ into Balenciaga models.

Breaking Bad by Balenciaga: explanation, video, meme

„Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“ is a real and official advertisement by Balenciaga. It was released by YouTuber user „demonflyingfox“ as a video on 4 April 2023.

For the video „Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“, demonflyingfox used original footage from Breaking Bad and combined it with AI. Among other things, he used video AI for the videos and audio AI for the voices.

The special thing about the videos is that the AI is now so good that the characters can turn their heads and it looks normal! That’s progress as far as AI technology is concerned. The characters also blink.

The Breaking Bad characters have been adapted to look like Balenciaga models: High cheekbones, tall and lean, stare emotionless.

„Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“: Who can be seen?

  • Gustavo „Gus“ Fring
  • Hank Schrader
  • Hector Salamanca
  • Jane Margolis
  • Jesse Pinkman
  • Saul Goodman
  • Skyler White
  • Walter White

„Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“ quotes

„Jesse, we need to produce more Balenciaga.“ (Original: „Jesse, we need to cook.“)

„Clearly his taste in women is the same as his taste in fashion. Only the very best with just the right amount of dirty.“ (Original: Clearly his taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers. Only the very best with just the right amount of dirty.“)

„I’m not buying Balenciaga Skyler. I am Balenciaga“ (Original: „I’m not in danger. I’m the danger.“)

„A guy goes into the boutique and buys Balenciaga and you think that of me? No, I am the one who sells!“

„Shut the f up and let me wear it in Peace.“

„Yeah Balenciaga, B*tch.“

„Breaking Bad by Balenciaga“: more videos of this kind

Other videos of the „… by Balenciaga“ type include:

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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