Star Wars by Balenciaga: Explanation, Video, Meme

„Star Wars by Balenciaga“ is a deepfake video that uses AI to create a mashup of Star Wars characters and the look of Balenciaga advertisements. Here, the characters were transformed into Balenciaga models via AI.

Star Wars by Balenciaga: explanation, video, meme

The Deepfake video „Star Wars by Balenciaga“ was published on YouTube by „Abandoned Films“ on 31 March 2023. It is inspired by the video „Harry Potter by Balenciaga“, which was published two weeks earlier.

„Star Wars by Balenciaga“ is a purely AI-generated video that uses original footage. These were mixed with the visuals of Balenciaga advertisements and models by AI.

Video AI and audio AI were used for the creation. The video AI created the characters and scenes. The audio AI gave voices to the characters.

The special thing about the video is its quality. Because the figures can turn their heads and blink without looking abnormal or animated.

Star Wars by Balenciaga: Who can be seen?

  • Chewbacca
  • Darth Maul
  • Darth Vader
  • Han Solo
  • Jar Jar Binks
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Obi-wan Kenobi
  • Padmé Amidala
  • R2D2
  • Yoda

Star Wars by Balenciaga: Quotes

„A long time ago in a catwalk far, far away…“ (Original: „A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…“)

„You are Balenciaga, Luke.“

„Fashion is a powerful ally. With balenciaga’s help you can defeat the dark side in style.“

„I find your lack of style disturbing. Balenciaga’s Star Wars collection will rectify this.“ (Original: „I find your lack of faith disturbing.“)

„Help me Balenciaga, you’re my only hope for a killer outfit.“ (Original: „Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re My Only Hope.“)

Mesa no liking dark side, but mesa really liking Balenciaga’s Star Wars collection.“

Star Wars by Balenciaga: More videos of this kind

Other videos of the „… by Balenciaga“ kind include:

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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