The anime TV series called „Tokyo Ghoul“ is considered the birthplace of many well-known characters, such as „Himedere“, who gained fame beyond the series. In the case of „Himedere“, it is a female fictional character that stands out due to rather negative character traits. „Himedere“ can be described as a „spoiled rich girl“ who looks down on other people pejoratively and takes advantage of their support. She often travels with at least two other people, whom she considers her henchmen.
The Japanese anime series „Tokyo Ghoul“ is currently being hyped heavily among young people because the characters it features have a certain style and, in some cases, desirable characteristics. However, in the case of „Himedere“ this is not the case – she is considered one of the less popular characters within the series, although she stands out for her beauty. What exactly constitutes „Himedere“ and how the term could be translated into German, more exciting information will follow in the following article.
Definition of „Himedere“
„Himedere“ is in itself a Japanese name, but within the Japanese language it is composed of the two words „hime“ (meaning „princess“) and „dere“ (meaning „to be in love“). Combined, „Himedere“ could therefore be translated as something like „princess in love with herself“. This name fits perfectly to the fictional character „Himedere“, who is very convinced of herself and likes to make others work for her purposes. She has an attractive exterior coupled with a rather dark character that is quasi strongly antithetical to her appearance. In addition to being used purely as a name within the Japanese anime series „Tokyo Ghoul“, the term „Himedere“ has now also established itself as a common term in such situations – for example, when someone is to be insulted as a „Himedere“. The series itself is comparatively often the birthplace of new such terminology.
Origin and literal meaning of „Himedere“
The name „Himedere“ first appeared within the series „Tokyo Ghoul“ and was artificially created from the terms mentioned above. Since then, it has been mostly used for a rich, arrogant person who stands out due to unattractive character traits. Primarily, it refers to unearned (either inherited or sponsored) wealth that the person takes advantage of to subjugate others. This is also evident in the case of „Himedere“ time and again. She regards her fellow human beings more as employees, or even as her slaves. At the same time, „Himedere“ is surrounded by an aura of grandeur as well as (exaggerated) self-confidence. The expression is comparatively better known in the anime community than outside it.
Where is the term „Himedere“ used?
Although „Himedere“ is a comparatively special name or expression, it is now used in many different areas. Among them are the following:
- Anime series and manga
- Social media platforms
- Everyday language
In the following subsections, the above-mentioned areas of application of „Himedere“ will be examined in more detail.
Anime series & mangas
Within the Japanese anime series „Tokyo Ghul“, „Himedere“ represents the character of the sublime, spoiled and often character-difficult princess. She is considered beautiful, graceful and outwardly very attractive, but does not exhibit this outward beauty in her inner self. Thus, she repeatedly attracts attention due to negative character traits. „Himedere“ has blonde hair, pink eyes and wears mostly white to beige colored costumes. She continues to wear her hair loose or tied up in braids and often combines her outfit with a short black skirt.
Social media platforms
On the social media platforms TikTok and Instagram, both the name „Himedere“ and its associated meaning are currently very popular. For example, the character „Himedere“ is imitated in individual short videos. In addition, „Himedere“ is used in video captions, image titles and in the form of hashtags. This naturally increases awareness of „Himedere“ considerably. Indirectly, this also ensures the growing awareness of the Japanese anime series „Tokyo Ghoul.“
Everyday language
Within the anime community, „Himedere“ has sometimes become a common term used to describe stuck-up, spoiled, and ugly in character (although outwardly attractive) people. Accordingly, „Himedere“ is often used here in spoken everyday language. This usually serves to insult a person. As a name itself (outside the series), on the other hand, „Himedere“ is less popular because it has such strong negative connotations.
Social classification of the expression „Himedere“
The name and expression „Himedere“ can be assigned – mainly due to its specificity – mainly to the anime community. This mostly has followers of younger generations, such as generations Z and Alpha (between 10 and 25 years old). Among older people (between 25 and 40 years old), „Himedere“ is usually only known through social media, if at all. However, those who are not familiar with Japanese anime culture and do not know the series „Tokyo Ghoul“ are often not familiar with „Himedere“ either. Therefore, „Himedere“ is often not understood by these people.
Critical discussion with „Himedere“
Above all, the character „Himedere“ is often sharply opposed by critics. She embodies a person of bad character who draws capital from his favorable preconditions (for example, wealth of parents and/or attractive appearance). At the same time, critics see „Himedere“ as a narcissistic person who is only concerned with his own advantage. People who watch the TV series „Tokyo Ghoul“ should in no way take an example from this character in particular. In addition, the fact that „Himedere“ is a rather exotic term that only members of a die-hard community even understand is criticized.
Conclusion on the term „Himedere“ and similar terms
The bottom line is that „Himedere“ represents a spoiled princess from the popular anime series „Tokyo Ghoul“ who stands out due to negative character traits, such as self-absorption and arrogance. She is considered very attractive on the outside, has blonde hair and usually wears light-colored tops in combination with a black short skirt. In addition to being used as a name, „Himedere“ has now become a common swear word in certain circles. It is made up of „hime“ (meaning „princess“) and „dere“ (meaning „to be in love“).
„Himedere“ is just one of many characters or terms made famous by the Japanese anime series „Tokyo Ghoul“. Among others, besides „Himedere“, this also concerns „Kuudere“ (cool, distant, but still warm-hearted inside) as well as „Yandere“ (affectionate and slightly pushy) and many other characters. The aforementioned alternative terms have also entered regular usage, although they were originally artificially created names (from Japanese terms).