What is a comfort character? Meaning, definition, explanation

A comfort character is a fictional person who makes you feel good and safe when you think about them or see them. How does that work? A kind of emotional bond has been established with this fictional person. This bond ensures that you mirror the characteristics and peculiarities of the person and allow yourself to be influenced by them.

What is a comfort character? Meaning, definition, explanation

If you think of a comfort character, you feel better. Sadness decreases and confidence increases. How does that work? A comfort character has certain characteristics and emotions that you find good and that you orientate yourself towards.

Another term for comfort character can be favorite character or favorite character. In other words: comfort characters are wholesome fan fiction.

The comfort character can come from a computer game, anime, manga, TV series, movie, book or comic.

Well-known and popular comfort characters are: Mario, Peter Parker, SpongeBob, Darryl from Walking Dead

Editor’s comment: Al Bundy is the comfort character of the editorial team.

Comfort Character: Types

There are several types of comfort character:

Comfort characters as fictional friends: you become friends with this character because you find them funny and entertaining or because this character embodies emotions that you don’t live out yourself in this way. They are relatable.

Comfort character as a role model: You use a comfort character as a role model because you like certain characteristics and would like to have them yourself. This can be, for example, the humor and wit of a character or the physical condition of the character.

Comfort character as an alternative life: However, a comfort character can also be used to live out the desire for an alternative life.

Romantic intentions with a comfort character: It can also happen that you find a comfort character pretty and pursue romantic intentions in your own imagination.

Comfort character as an expression of a desire: Comfort characters can also be an expression of a desire. They can fulfill a wish for better friends or other parents.

Comfort character: characteristics

What happens here? Well, you become friends with the fictional character and start to take an interest in them. You think about the character more often and talk about them and their actions as if they were real.

Heroes and leaders are generally suitable as comfort characters. (Here it is enough if a comfort character is the main character of the story). These are characters who are usually positive and friendly. They are free of dark traits, don’t want to harm anyone and really only want to help.

Comfort characters are friendly, have compassion, courage and empathy. Comfort characters are usually kind, funny and entertaining.

Comfort characters can provide morale, orientation and identity. Those who orient themselves towards them can become better people.

Comfort characters like Mario or SpongeBob, for example, are always friendly.

Most people are interested in the following characteristics of comfort characters:

  • Charm and personality
  • Appearance, body and muscles
  • Background story, Origin

But it must also be said that comfort characters are an ideal. No human being can always be friendly and relaxed. Very few people are heroes and leaders. It’s part of being human that a personality also has dark parts and that you sometimes fight against them.

Comfort character: Criticism

Comfort characters can also be an expression of escapism and escapism from reality. Instead of dealing with reality and the people around them (and growing from it), comfort characters offer an escape into fantasy. This can be harmful because it prevents development and makes you withdraw into your own head.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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