Who is Abir el saghir? Curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Abir el saghir is a Lebanese video blogger and TikToker who has become known for cooking and food videos and for wearing elaborate hijab fashion.

Abir el saghir: resume, biography, profile

Abir el saghir was born on September 24, 1998 in Lebanon, she is 24 years old. Abir el saghir is a Muslim. According to statements during some of her TikTok videos, she taught herself how to cook.

Abir el saghir has become particularly well known for preparing an eclectic selection of international dishes of Arabic origin and donning a matching traditional outfit for each video. The background music also matches the country of origin of the cooked dish in each case. The focus is on discovering Arabic cuisine, but any other cuisine in the world can also serve as inspiration for their dishes.

As a result, Abir el saghir has become a world-renowned chef on TikTok, where more than 22 million users follow her and her videos have received a total of more than 500,000 million views. She also regularly posts cooking and baking tutorials on her YouTube channel, which has 1.74 million subscribers.

Abir el saghir: cooking show

Since April 2023, Abir el saghir has had her own cooking show called „Abir’s Kitchen,“ which can be seen on the Arabic streaming channels Jawwy TV and STC TV.

Abir el saghir: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram

TikTok: @abir.sag

YouTube: @abirsaghir

Instagram: abiresag

On TikTok, Abir el Saghir has over 22 million followers. On YouTube she has over 1.7 million subscribers and on Instagram she has 3.9 million followers. (All as of June 2023)

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