What is „white people food“? Explanation, meaning, definition

A very curious trend is currently emerging in China. The talk is of so-called „white people food“. This refers to the typical delicacies that would be found in the bread and lunch boxes of Western cultures. Instead of ribbon noodles and shiitake, therefore, more and more – in this country rather ordinary – foods are being put on the table. At least when Chinese are at work (on the construction site, in the office or at the duty station). This is a new food trend that seems to be taking the Middle Kingdom by storm. Furthermore, this is a very rare case of an Asian culture deliberately adopting the inherently rather unhealthy and less nutritious fast foods of Western societies.

Since „White People Food“ as a new food trend is completely unknown in Germany, Europe and the USA, it will be explained in detail in the following article. In addition to a comprehensive definition of the term, examples and critiques of the topic will also be provided.

Definition of „White People Food“

The term „White People Food“ is composed of the adjective „white“ and the nouns „people“ and „food“. Combined, „white people food“ can therefore be translated roughly as „the food of white people“.

What is meant by this – admittedly rather oblique – translation is a type of food that is eaten primarily in Western cultures, such as in the USA, in Europe and especially in Germany. Even more detailed, it is the typical food that is taken along in said cultures for on the road (for work or excursions) in bread tins or lunch boxes.

„White people food“ has a neutral connotation here, although many people might classify this as racist or disparaging. In this case, it is simply a catchy catch-all term for the typical snacks and nibbles of the West, which are in smooth contrast to conventional foods in Asia, and especially in China.

Origin and meaning of „White People Food“

The term „White People Food“ probably originated in China in the course of the last two years and was coined there by a cosmopolitan, young generation of Chinese. These were mainly internationally socialized Chinese who were attracted to the food of Western cultures – also influenced by the Internet and television. Initially, this trend spread on TikTok, from where it went viral. Ultimately, „white people food“ has so far been limited only to Chinese living in China’s domestic market, or to Chinese living abroad. For people in Western cultures, the term „white people food“ is rather unfamiliar.

Characteristics of „White People Food“

White people food is typically easily digestible, calorie-dense snacks that are not very spicy and not very nutritious in themselves. However, as part of the „white people food“ trend, these are glorified and portrayed as the proper way to eat or snack.

„White people food“ is also easy to prepare and uncomplicated to take with you. This is also in stark contrast to food that is otherwise common in China. Furthermore, „White People Food“ has the reputation of being bad for your health, but tasting good overall, as it is usually high in sugar and fat. In many places, „White People Food“ is also industrially produced food, which is mixed with numerous flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Where can I get white people food?

Typical „White People Food“ can only be purchased in China via the Internet or in selected international supermarkets such as Walmart, Carrefour, Tesco or Metro. Otherwise, the supply options are still limited to gas stations and 7-Eleven stores. Other sources of supply are fast food restaurants of US origin, such as McDonalds or Burger King.

Examples of „White People Food“

There are a few „white people foods“ that are currently particularly popular in China and are also eaten frequently and with pleasure in this country – especially for breakfast or on the go. One example is oatmeal, which can be prepared from oatmeal, milk and water. This is often mixed with fresh natural yogurt and decorated with delicious fruits.

This is an absolute trend food, especially among young Chinese. Just as popular are the typical U.S. sandwiches – for example with cheese, bacon and mayonnaise, pickles and tomato slices. Cucumber slices or fruit slices, such as apple slices or pear slices, often serve as a fresh snack on the go.

Ready-to-eat products, such as cookie crackers, pretzel sticks and potato chips, are also part of this trend. The aforementioned foods also tend to be low in flavor and spice, but high in calories.

Criticisms of „White People Food“

Since „White People Food“ is a comparatively weird trend, it naturally has a large number of critics. The main criticism is the racist undertone that resonates with the term „white people food“. This is because – especially in Western societies – it sounds slightly pejorative and sweeping. Not every „white person“ would eat unhealthily and according to the model of „white people food“.

It is also criticized in many places that China and especially the Chinese youth would thus receive a bad and all too superficial image from Western societies. However, „White People Food“ is also classified as a questionable trend in China itself.

On the one hand, because the trend is completely against the traditional eating habits of Chinese culture, on the other hand, because the diet with „White People Foods“ would mean a deterioration of eating habits overall (insofar as it becomes established). This is because „White People Food“ relies primarily on industrially manufactured convenience products and empty calories.

Conclusion on the subject of „White People Food“

In summary, it can be said that „White People Food“ is a new nutritional trend in China, in which Chinese people take typical Western food and snacks with them on the road, for university, work or duty. These are, for example, sandwiches, porridge or other, often industrially produced foods that are high in energy, low in seasoning and, for the most part, unhealthy.

Related to the term „white people food“ are, for example, the terms „bubble tea“ and „hot pot.“ While „bubble tea“ is a cold drink made from tapioca pearls, „hot pot“ is a traditional Chinese dish in which various ingredients are cooked in a pot of hot broth.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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