Where can I find the dragon? How do I fight the dragon? Return to Moria dragon fight, explanation

The dragon is hiding deep in the Barazinbar. Unfortunately, this part of the world is built like a labyrinth and you have to search for the dragon. You know you’ve come to the right place when you find an orc camp (shadow orcs) with a large wooden wall. The way there leads up and down many levels. (That’s all I can help you with, sorry!)

Note: You can only start the fight against the dragon after you have the Shaz’akhnaman spear.

How do I fight the dragon? Return to Moria dragon fight, explanation

The dragon fight in Return to Moria has three phases.

1st phase / 1st room: The dragon sits in the middle of the room and is surrounded by spikes. You cannot attack the dragon.

You will be attacked by the dragon’s minions. Kill them all until they flee. Then you can open the door to the second room. The door will not open before then.

2nd phase / 2nd room: There is no fight here. The dragon sees you and talks to you. You climb up the rock face. When you are almost at the top, the dragon flies on.

3rd phase / 3rd room: The third phase has two parts:

You can’t do any damage to the dragon yet. Do the following: Destroy the four pillars by the dragon. This will cause the roof to collapse. Now you can attack the dragon.

Now use your Shaz’akhnaman spear.

One hit was enough for me and the dragon was dead. That’s it!

You’ll find a worn-down ring on the dragon. This has no function in the version in which I played.

What else can you do after the dragon fight? Return to Moria

The missions and quests are now complete. After the battle, the mithril armor, mithril shield and mithril weapons have been unlocked. You can now forge these. In addition, another brew tank has been unlocked and you can now build Durin’s lamps.

You can now dedicate yourself to the Achievements if you wish.

About the fight: (Author’s opinion) I was overwhelmed in the first room or phase of the fight because I didn’t know what to do. The second phase was ridiculous. Nothing happened. The third phase, and therefore the final battle, was the opposite of epic. This dragon was far too weak.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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