Ranger’s Diary Page – Where is his diary and camp? Return to Moria solution hint

Ranger diary page, Where is his camp, Return to Moria solution hint

You are looking for the camp and the ranger’s diary? I found it and I’ll explain how:

First of all, you only need five pages to complete the quest. As a reward, the game gave me a recipe for a stamina potion, that is, a stamina beer.

Note: Yes, I am aware that your map could look completely different. Nevertheless, I explain long and wide my way. Because there are details that are important. Maybe it will help you.

Ranger’s Diary Page – Where is his diary and camp? Return to Moria solution hint

On the map I marked Balin’s old camp. You should have found it. If I go to the right, after 3-4 rooms comes a troll. Here I pass to the right. This room has three branches. The middle one leads to the gate to Durin’s high road. The left and right branches each lead to a room with two levels and two statues each. In both rooms there is a lower level. In the left room there was an orc camp in my case. In the right room (red circle) were spiders.

I went down in the right room and walked on the circular path. There was an inconspicuous hole in the wall and I went in there.

Yes, behind the green circle it goes downhill.

There were nine new rooms down here. I took the left path to the end. In the last room I found a small orc camp and the longed-for camp and ranger’s diary.

You can’t take the diary with you. It is (visually) an open book. You just interact with the book normally.

By the way, I found a total of eleven diary pages, but you only need five.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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