„9 + 10 = 21“: Memes, Explanation, Meaning, Definiton

9 + 10 = 21″ is a viral meme that has spread rapidly on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok since 2015. The meme is based on a clip in which a boy is asked to solve a math problem. He answers it incorrectly, which was received amusingly by viewers. Since then, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme has become a popular joke on social media and is used for a wide variety of memes, images and short films. Mainly, these are situations where the person doesn’t understand the problem, even though it is obvious.

Although the meme contains a mathematical problem, namely „9 + 10 = 21“, this is representative of problems that are simple and easy to understand, but which can still be approached incorrectly or not solved. The main reason for the viral success of the meme is not so much the math problem itself, but rather the reaction of the boy who tries to solve the math problem.

However, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is still incomprehensible to many people, which is why it will be discussed in detail in the following article. Thereby the definition, interpretation as well as use, social classification and critics of the „9 + 10 = 21“-meme will be discussed.

Definition and interpretation of the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

The „9 + 10 = 21“ meme (also called „9/10/21“) corresponds to a picture depicting a colorful little boy and the math problem in question. In the case of „9 + 10“, it is a math problem that is very simple in itself, the result of which would actually be 19. Instead of the correct solution, however, the problem is solved with 21, which is the wrong result.

The little boy in the meme consequently calculates the solution to the problem „9 + 10“ incorrectly, which leads to the mockery of his counterpart (and the potential audience). The boy’s reaction when he learns that his result is wrong is horror and disbelief. This again reinforces the wittiness of the situation.

The „9 + 10 = 21“ meme thus illustrates an arbitrary, oblique situation in which a supposedly simple problem (representative of the easy arithmetic problem), nevertheless cannot be solved correctly. Thus, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is potentially critical of society and refers to society’s negligence and inability to address individual everyday problems.

Origin of the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

The „9 + 10 = 21“ meme originates from a so-called „Vine clip“ from 2015. It is a self-made (and potentially staged) video by two private individuals who had made the clip available to the public. However, the exact location or country where the clip was made is not known. After the clip was uploaded to social media, it spread rapidly and became very popular. A short time later, it was used as the basis for creating individual images, memes and short films on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Due to its extensive popularity, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme has also been the subject of television. It is considered popular especially in the gaming scene and is still used in many ways today.

Use of the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

In addition to being used as a funny clip on smartphones, PCs, YouTube and other content platforms, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is primarily used on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. It serves as a popular template for creating images, memes and short films in which someone is to be mocked or exposed. At the same time, this can be used to signal the incompetence of certain people or institutions. Furthermore, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is also used in pop culture as well as in movies, television shows and music videos. Due to the universal usability of the meme, it can be combined with own images, texts or references. Therefore, the original meaning of the meme is not binding.

Why is the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme so funny?

The „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is so funny because it depicts a very simple arithmetic problem that is nevertheless solved incorrectly. It causes confusion and surprise in a humorous and ironic way. Furthermore, the meme showcases a common situation where a simple problem still cannot be solved. This leads to ridicule from the viewer. The exaggerated reaction of the friend in the „9 + 10 = 21“ video also agrees with this.

Social classification of the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

The „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is particularly popular among people between the ages of 12 and 30. According to this, it is primarily used by members of the Millenials and Generation Z generations, but less so by the younger Generation Alpha. The latter understands the meaning of the meme quite well by now, but was too young for the „Best Vine clips“ at the time in 2015. The meme is also particularly popular on social media, from where it can be uploaded to one’s smartphone or PC and edited as desired.

Criticisms of the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

Although the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme is popular with a great many people, there are also critics. The main criticism is that the viewers of the clip are having fun at the expense of the little boy. Thus, the critics see the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme as a form of bullying or exposure. At the same time, critics criticize the clip for turning away from factual education and indirectly spreading false information (that 9 + 10 = 21).

Conclusion on the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme

So, in summary, the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme has grown in popularity since its creation in 2015 and is now used primarily as a basis for creating memes. It addresses obvious problems or situations that are nevertheless solved, or implemented, incorrectly.

Related to the „9 + 10 = 21“ meme are, for example, the terms „Dank Memes“, „Absurd Memes“ or „Surreal Memes“, which categorize this type of memes on social media. The idea behind them is that a simple idea or statement can be further processed and spread into something big and viral.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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