Who is Sliker? Curriculum vitae, life, profile, biography

Sliker is a British web video producer and livestreamer.

Sliker: curriculum vitae, profile, life, biography

Sliker’s real name is Abraham Mohammed. He was born in Iraq on April 30, 1992.

Due to the consequences Iraq war (Second Gulf War, 1990 to 1991) his family emigrated to Great Britain. The family settled in Manchester.

Sliker is active as a streamer. He hosts „just chatting“ streams, among other things.

Sliker: fraud allegations / scam allegations

In September 2022, Sliker was accused of having friends, fans, supporters and other streamers give him money to gamble away. The sum is said to be around 200,000 to 300,000 euros.

Sliker is said to have feigned financial problems and hardships in order to receive money. For this, he sent messages about alleged money troubles and the request to send him money via PayPal. According to reports, some fans sent him amounts up to five figures.

Sliker also sent messages claiming that his accounts were frozen and that he needed money so that he could pay his bill and keep his credit score. In addition, he also claimed that Twitch was behind on payments to him.

Sliker spent the stolen money on „Counter-Strike: Global Offensive“ skins and started gambling.

Countless screenshots of chats and messages with Sliker circulated on social media in September 2022, documenting his behavior and making it public.

Streamers Félix „xQc“ Lengyel and Ludwig Anders Ahgren expressed to the scammed that they will pay back the money out of their own pockets.

Sliker commented on the allegations in a stream on September 18. He apologized to those affected. He also expressed that he never intended to defraud anyone. Sliker promised that he would like to pay back the money he had scammed.

Sliker: Twitch, Twitter

Twitch: itssliker

Twitter: @Sliker

YouTube: Sliker 

On Twitch, Sliker has over 430,000 followers. On Twitter, he has over 74,000 followers. On YouTube, his channel has over 22,000 subscribers. (All as of September 2022)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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