Who is Ricky Berwick? Curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Ricky Berwick is a Canadian YouTuber and social media personality who has become known for his eccentric nature. He was born on April 23, 1992 and is 30 years old. He lives in the city of Kitchener in the Canadian province of Ontario.

Ricky Berwick: resume, biography, profile

Ricky Berwick became known to a wider audience after a video posted by him on Twitter, showing him eating fries, was posted online without being asked on Facebook in 2016. The video received more than a million clicks in a short time, after which Ricky began regularly posting his own videos on his YouTube channel.

Since September 2016, he has published more than 5,000 videos there in a little less than seven years. His channel now has 3.8 million subscribers. In addition, he publishes videos on his TikTok channel with more than 13 million followers.

Ricky Berwick: trademark, character, personality

Ricky Berwick is notorious for his perceived crazy nature. In many videos, he screams uncontrollably, sticks out his tongue, makes various sounds and noises, and lets his thoughts run wild. In addition, he likes to eat in front of the camera, especially products of the American brands „McDonalds“ and „Reese’s“.

Since he loves animated films, he is also frequently portrayed as a character by other YouTubers in short animated sequences and also publishes these creations on YouTube.

Ricky Berwick: video entertainer with Beals pike syndrome (disease)

Ricky Berwick describes himself on all his social media channels as a „not-so-normal video entertainer.“ This refers not only to his eccentric personality, but also to the fact that he was born with the hereditary disease Beals-Hecht syndrome.

The rare genetic defect leads to underdeveloped muscles and a severe spinal curvature and restricts many movement possibilities. Hands with unusually long finger bones are also characteristic of the disease.

Regarding his disease, Ricky Berwick has already caused controversy several times because he uses the term „cripple“ not as a swear word, but as a positively reinterpreted self-designation claimed for himself.

Ricky Berwick: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram

YouTube: rickyberwick

TikTok: @therickyberwick

Instagram: rickyberwick

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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