Who is „Mr Doodle“ (Sam Cox)? life, profile, biography

„Mr Doodle“ is a British artist and draftsman who has become known for his characteristic way of scribbling patterns and figures on surfaces. This is a modern art form called doodling.

„Mr Doodle“ (Sam Cox): life, biography, profile

Mr Doodle was born on March 8, 1994 in the county of Kent in the southeast of England. His real name is Sam Cox, he is 29 years old and his zodiac sign is Pisces.

Sam Cox started drawing regularly when he was a child. He persuaded his parents to let him doodle surfaces in their house. Sam Cox studied illustration at the „University of the West of England“ in the English city of Bristol. There, his talent was recognized by one of his professors, who has supported him as a mentor ever since. He started out doing street art and small commissions for businesses in his area.

In part due to a strong social media presence on Facebook and Instagram, „Mr Doodle“ made a name for himself nationally starting in 2013. His doodles consist of interconnected patterns and figures that the artist calls „graffiti spaghetti.“ The English verb „to doodle“ means „to scribble“ in German, and the noun „doodle“ means „scribble.“ Mr. Doodle can accordingly be translated as „Mr. Scribble.“

His fame gained through social media and mentoring by his professor helped Sam Cox to have his works exhibited in London and Seoul.

„Mr. Doodle“ (Sam Cox): Notoriety, personality, projects

In 2020, one of his artworks titled „Spring“ was purchased at an auction for nearly a million dollars. In early October 2022, „Mr. Doodle“ became known worldwide after posting a video on his social media channels showing him completely doodling on his house in Kent over a two-year period, including all the utensils and the facade.

The video went viral in no time and was viewed millions of times. In the meantime, „Mr Doodle“ has 2.9 million followers on Instagram and 3 million followers on TikTok.

In addition, „Mr Doodle“ is known for the fact that his name is also a kind of character that he embodies. For this, he wears a white outfit covered with his doodles in public.

In May 2023, „Mr Doodle“ acted as a member of the jury at the Red Bull Doodle Art World Finals, an international doodling competition hosted and sponsored by Red Bull. For Red Bull, he also decorated a race car completely with his doodles.

„Mr Doodle“ (Sam Cox): Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter

Instagram: mrdoodle

TikTok: @mrdoodleofficial

YouTube: @MrDoodle

Twitter: itsmrdoodle

Webseite: mrdoodle.com

On Instagram, Mr Doodle has over 2.9 million followers. On TikTok, he has over 3 million followers. (Both as of June 2023)

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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