Who is Kirill Tereshin? Life, profile, biography

Kirill Tereshin is a Russian bodybuilder, influencer and social media star who has become known for his particularly pronounced upper arms, which he has pumped up with oil-like substances.

Kirill Tereshin: Life, Biography, Profile

Kirill Tereshin was born on 6 August 1996 in Russia. He is 26 years old, 175 cm tall and his star sign is Leo. Before he became a bodybuilder, he was a soldier.

Kirill Tereshin: Enlargement of the biceps

Kirill Tereshin has been injecting himself with the mixture Synthol, which consists of different oils and is used by many bodybuilders to make the muscles appear larger than they are, over a longer period of time since he was 20 years old.

The agent only provides an optical enlargement, it does not contribute to muscle building. By continuously injecting the drug into his upper arms, his biceps became so large that after a while they showed visible signs of inflammation.

The regular injections had developed into a mass in his upper arms that restricted the blood flow. As a result, Kirill Tereshin had to have several operations on his upper arms in 2022 to have the mass removed.

Kirill Tereshin: social media star, nicknames, MMA career

Kirill Tereshin became known worldwide for the videos he publishes on his YouTube channel and on TikTok in which he shows off his oversized biceps. He is also called the „Russian Popeye“ and he refers to his sprayed-on upper arms as „bazookas“.

In 2019, Kirill Tereshin tried his hand at an amateur MMA fight against blogger Oleg Mongol. Kirill lost by knock-out after three minutes of fighting. Since then, Kirill has not fought another MMA fight.

In addition to increasing the size of his upper arms, Kirill has undergone several cosmetic surgeries on his nose, cheeks and chin. Today, the 26-year-old lives in Bali in the villa of an influencer friend.

Kirill Tereshin: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram

TikTok: @bazookahandzofficial

YouTube: @rukibazuki

Instagram: ruki_bazuki_official

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