What does the word „polycrisis“ mean? Meaning, explanation, definition

A „polycrisis“ describes a complex situation in which several crises or critical developments occur simultaneously. It is characterized by the interaction of various challenges that require simultaneous and complex management. Typically, these challenges include political, economic, social or environmental aspects, which together create a difficult and demanding situation.

„Polycrises“ often confront decision-makers with multi-layered problems that require a coordinated and integrated approach. Overcoming a „polycrisis“ therefore requires comprehensive strategies that address the various dimensions of the problems. The term is often used in political, social or economic contexts to emphasize the complexity and urgency of several simultaneous challenges – this will be presented in detail in the following article.

Definition of „polycrisis“

The word „polycrisis“ comes from the Greek and is made up of the words „poly“ (meaning „many“ or „several“) and „crisis“ (meaning „decision“ or „turning point“). It refers to a difficult event that can have several threatening consequences or result from several individual events.

A „polycrisis“ therefore refers to a complex situation in which several critical events or decisions come together and influence each other, creating a particularly challenging and difficult situation. The challenges can span different areas such as politics, the economy, society and the environment, and overcoming them often requires a coordinated strategy to address the different aspects appropriately. The term is often used to emphasize the complexity and simultaneous existence of several critical problems.

Origin and meaning of a „polycrisis“

Historically, the origin cannot be traced back to a specific event or person, as the idea of complex, simultaneous crises emerged in different contexts. However, the term has been used over time in political and social discourses to describe the challenges resulting from the simultaneous existence of several critical developments. The „polycrisis“ as a concept has found its application in different times and places, especially in periods where complex challenges have affected multiple areas of life.

Main characteristics of a „polycrisis“

A „polycrisis“ can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Here are the most common manifestations of a „polycrisis“:

  • Multidimensionality (a „polycrisis“ is characterized by the occurrence of crises in different dimensions, including political, economic, social and environmental aspects)
  • Interactions (the various crisis components interact and reinforce each other, resulting in a complex overall situation)
  • Simultaneity (the characteristics of the „polycrisis“ occur simultaneously, presenting decision-makers with the challenge of dealing with several problems at the same time)
  • highly dynamic (the situation can change quickly and rapid responses are required to meet the evolving challenges)
  • Interdependence (the different aspects of the crisis are often interconnected, so solutions require an integrated approach)
  • Uncertainty (due to the complexity and dynamics, predicting developments is difficult, which increases uncertainty in coping)
  • societal impact (a „polycrisis“ often has a direct impact on society by affecting social structures, norms and daily life)
  • Need for comprehensive strategies (response requires coordinated actions that address different aspects of the crisis and provide integrated solutions)

Use of the term „polycrisis“

The word „polycrisis“ has experienced a lot of hype in recent months. It is mainly used in the following contexts:

  • in economic research
  • in politics
  • in the spoken language

In the following subsections, the above-mentioned areas of use of the term „polycrisis“ are defined in more detail.

Economic research

The term „polycrisis“ is becoming increasingly popular in economic research as it is used to describe complex economic challenges. Researchers use it to emphasize the simultaneous existence of several economic problems and their interactions. This enables a more precise analysis and development of strategies to overcome complex economic challenges.


In the political arena, the term „polycrisis“ has established itself as a key concept. It is used to illustrate the complexity of challenges in the political arena. Politicians use it to emphasize the multi-layered nature of problems in different policy areas, which requires a holistic approach and integrated policy solutions.

Spoken language

The term „polycrisis“ has also found its way into spoken language. It is used in informal discussions to describe complex and simultaneously occurring problems in everyday life. People use the term to convey the difficulties that arise when several challenges come together in their personal or professional lives.

Ways to overcome a „polycrisis“

Overcoming a „polycrisis“ requires an integrated approach. Through comprehensive planning and coordination, decision-makers can bring together different resources and areas of expertise to develop holistic solutions. Participatory approaches that involve affected stakeholders promote shared responsibility and enable a broader perspective on the problems. Investing in research and innovation opens up new ways to tackle „polycrises“. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial as the situation evolves dynamically. International cooperation enables the exchange of resources and expertise. Emphasizing sustainability in coping strategies helps to build long-term resilience to recurring „polycrises“.

Critical examination of the „polycrisis“

The term „polycrisis“ is sometimes viewed very critically due to its possible overgeneralization. Such a term could tend to neglect and simplify the complexity of specific crises. There is also a risk of overwhelming decision-makers, as the focus could be on the simultaneity of different crises rather than on specific solutions. Furthermore, the use of the term can lead to the differentiation between individual crisis areas being neglected, which could hinder the development of precise strategies. It is important not to view the „polycrisis“ as a universal concept, but to analyze the specific challenges in different contexts in a differentiated manner.

Conclusion on the topic of „polycrisis“ and similar concepts

In summary, the „polycrisis“ can therefore be understood as an event in which several crises with threatening effects come together at the same time. Overall, the discussion of the „polycrisis“ highlights the need for a comprehensive and integrative approach to overcoming complex challenges. The term emphasizes the simultaneous existence of different crisis areas and underlines the importance of holistic solutions. However, caution is required to avoid falling into the trap of overgeneralization.

Similar concepts to the „polycrisis“ are, for example, the „multi-crisis“ or the „complex crisis“. The „multi-crisis“ focuses on the existence of several crises occurring simultaneously. Different problems can occur simultaneously in different sectors or areas without necessarily having a strong interaction between them. In contrast, the „complex crisis“ refers to the multi-layered and interdependent nature of crisis factors.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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