What is „Candice Who?“ meme, joke, meaning, definition, explanation.

„Candice Who?“ is a word joke to tease and roast someone. The punchline here is the answer to the question „Candice Who?“

„Candice Who?“ falls into the same category as ligma. So it’s best not to ask for it.

How does the „Candice Who?“ joke work? Explanation

In a conversation – verbal or text – a person named Candice is brought into play. Usually something dramatic is said, so the other person really asks who this „Candice“ is.

Note: The „Candice Who?“ joke only works in the English language.

The joke usually goes as follows:

A: Candice died.
B: Candice who?
A: Candice d*ck fit in yo mouth.


A: We are going to Candice House.
B: Who is Candice?
A: Candice d…


A: Do you know Candice?
B: Candice who?
A: Candice B*alls fit yo „body opening“?

Why is „Candice Who?“ funny?

The joke is based on the similar sound of the words „Candice“ and „Can this“, and the unexpected punchline. The gist of the joke is that someone fell for the „trap“ and now has to hear this punchline.

The joke „Candice Who“ is that someone asks a question about the supposed person and gets an unexpected answer.

„Candice Who?“ is usually used to toast and tease friends. On TikTok there are now also countless comments in which people talk about a Candice.

Who is Candice? Memes, Joke, TikTok

So „Candice Who?“ is not about a person named „Candice“ at all. So whoever hears about a Candice should rather not ask who exactly this is supposed to be.

The „Candice Who?“ joke is said to have originated in 2017. In 2021, the joke became very popular on TikTok. On TikTok, there are countless videos of people asking who Candice is and hearing one of the above answers.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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