„Beetlejuice „What Are You Doing?“ Just Hanging Around“: Memes, Explanation, Meaning, Definiton

„Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ is the name of a currently heavily hyped meme or short film on social media that refers to the ex-boxer and Howard Stern collaborator named „Beetlejuice.“ It is a usable template for creating custom memes and short films, which has gone viral since early 2021. In the original video, „Beetlejuice“ can be seen in his hotel room talking about how he’s not doing anything exciting right now and is just relaxing. However, this comes across to the viewer as if „Beetlejuice“ is hiding something.

The original video of „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ has been copied and individualized countless times since it was made and represents a humorous short film. The situational comedy that the video exhibits is what made this so popular with potential content creators in the first place. However, many people are still unfamiliar with the video and its significance. The following article will therefore deal with the definition, interpretation, use and social classification of the „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme.

„Beetlejuice „What Are You Doing?“ Just Hanging Around“: Meaning, Explanation, Definition

The phrase „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ comes from English and can be roughly translated as „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“. Here, „Beetlejuice“ represents a name or alias. In the video, „Beetlejuice“ is asked by his manager Robert Rooney what he is doing at the moment (when he is alone in his hotel room). The latter answers somewhat perplexed and surprised „I’m just hanging out“. „Beetlejuice“ is probably not doing anything in particular at this moment, but for some unknown reason he still feels caught by his manager.

The „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme therefore thematizes a normal everyday conversation, but one that strikes the viewer as funny and versatile. In the video itself, only „Beetlejuice“ can be seen, but not his conversation partner. Furthermore, a bed and outlines of the hotel room can still be seen.

Interpretation of the „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme

The „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme makes use of the typical elements of situation comedy. Although „Beetlejuice“ was asked a normal and in itself innocuous question, he reacts quite differently than the viewer would expect. „Beetlejuice“ seems slightly nervous, perplexed and tries to leave the situation. Overall, this comes across as very comical and serves as a popular template for creating individual memes and short films, not least because of this. It also seems funny that „Beetlejuice“ seems slightly taciturn in the scene in question and doesn’t really know what to tell his interlocutor. Although the latter obviously wanted to start a conversation with „Beetlejuice“, the desired conversation doesn’t really get off the ground.

Origin and source: „Beetlejuice „What Are You Doing?“ Just Hanging Around“

The original video of „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ dates back to 2021 and was originally posted on Instagram by Robert Rooney. It immediately went viral there and became a green screen template. From then on, the meme also spread rapidly on TikTok, where it was used in countless variations as a meme or short film by other users. The meme is used for this purpose with individual sayings or in the context of various situations.

Use of the meme

The meme „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ has been used for a wide variety of purposes since it was created in 2021. However, the main uses include the following:

  • Use as a meme or short film on social media
  • Use as slang in the gaming scene
  • Use in the everyday language of young people

In the subsections that follow, the most popular uses of the „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme will be explained in more detail.

Social media

On social media (especially on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube), „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ is mainly used to create entertaining and humorous memes or short films. For this, the green screen template of the meme is usually used. It is then customized with individual sayings or other elements and uploaded again.

Gaming scene

In the gaming scene, „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ is a popular expression within online games. Here it is often used as an introduction to chats in which a player is addressed in a situation in which he has been caught doing something.

Everyday life

The expression „Beetlejuice, what are you doing?“ is also increasingly used in the spoken everyday language of young people. Just hanging around“ is used more and more frequently. Here, however, it is reduced to the phrase „Hey [name], what are you doing? Me? Nothing, just hanging around.“

Social classification of the meme

Since „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ is still a very young meme, which has only existed since 2021 and also only experienced its strongest hype at the beginning of 2023, the target group of this meme is correspondingly young. The main users of „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ therefore primarily include people between the ages of 12 and 25. These can be assigned primarily to the Z and Alpha generations. Although the meme is known in places among older people, it is used much less frequently and is liked less on social media. In chats and in spoken everyday language, the meme and its content are used almost exclusively by younger people.

Conclusion: „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme

In summary, „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ is a popular meme on social media that has been countlessly duplicated, or individualized, since its creation in 2021. It shows a situational comedy and the ignorance of the filmmaker not to let the unwilling main character „Beetlejuice“ get out of it so easily. At the same time, it stylizes an unexpected and thus entertaining reaction of the „Beetlejuice“.

With the „Beetlejuice, what are you doing? Just hanging around“ meme are related, for example, to the memes „Ain’t nobody got time fort that!“, „All your base are belong to us“ and „This is fine!“. These also deal with everyday situations in which the protagonists sometimes express incomprehensible or funny reactions.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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