What does „validate“ mean? Explanation, meaning, definition

The term „validate“ (or also: „validation“) is used in various areas of science, technology and everyday language. It means the examination of two facts, statements or circumstances on agreement, and/or correctness. In contrast to the concept of luck, validation rather aims at a well-founded, reliable and fully comprehensive verification of information, methods or products.

Validation“ therefore involves checking whether the element to be tested corresponds exactly to expectations or whether it matches comparable elements in terms of quality. If this is not the case, the element in question can be described as „not valid“, which is the opposite of „valid“.

Although the term „validate“ is comparatively widespread, it is rather educational and is used less frequently than, for example, the word „compare“ or „match“. The following article is therefore intended to explain the term „validate“ and „validation“ in detail. For this purpose, a comprehensive definition of the term, an explanation of the word’s origin, and an explanation of the uses of and challenges to „validate“ will be provided.

Definition and meaning of „validate“

The term „validate“ is a verb that means „to confirm,“ „to verify,“ or „to make valid.“ In addition to the verb form, there is also the adjective „valid“ and the noun „validation“. It is „validate“ a verb used more in educational language, which is always used when things are to be compared with each other or their quality is to be checked.

It comes from the Latin „validus“ (meaning „strong“ or „valid“) and has established itself in the English language as a technical term for checking validity. This can refer to products or services, for example, but also to answers in a test or statements by people. If these are described as „valid“, they correspond to the expectations and/or are true.

If someone wants to „validate“ something, he assumes that the validity of the product, the service, the answer or the statement is not yet available. Thus, „validation“ is based on the assumption that something does not yet meet expectations or is not yet correct or valid.

Word origin of „validate“

The expression „validate“ probably originated during the Roman Empire, when it corresponded to the adjective „validus“. Over the millennia, „valider“ first found its way into the French language, and „validar“ into the Spanish language. In philosophy and logic, „validate“ did not become established until the 17th century. Since then, „validate“ has been used in English usage mainly to validate scientific hypotheses, theories as well as experiments. However, since the middle of the 20th century, the term „validate“ has also been used in various economic fields, respectively in spoken everyday language.

Use of „validate“

Today, the verb „to validate“ is used in a wide variety of contexts. However, its use is particularly popular in scientific as well as in technical and IT contexts. In addition, however, „validate“ is now also increasingly used in spoken everyday language, where it has established itself as a trendy term, so to speak.

Scientific context

In the scientific context, „validate“ is often used when something is to be checked for correctness or validity. This can involve theories, hypotheses or research results, for example. Likewise, scientific formulas and the applicability of the result can be „validated“. Thus, validation serves as an important method of analysis in science – either by comparing two things with each other or by retracing the result. Specifically for validation, scientists often use significance tests, confidence intervals or statistical methods.

Technical and IT context

In technology and IT, the verb „validate“ is often used to check product standards in the field of software development. By „validating“ something here, the corresponding product, process or system is checked for compliance with standards or fulfillment of requirements. Usually the entire development process is validated. Validation is divided into so-called requirements validation, design validation and system validation. It is also checked for functionality, security and reliability. Especially in IT terminology, the verb „validate“ has therefore established itself as an indispensable word and is also understood here accordingly.

Everyday language

Although the word „validate“ is used much less frequently in spoken everyday language, its use here has increased significantly. Here, too, it is used when things are to be checked or confirmed. In an informal context, this often means verifying a statement, a rumor, a message, or the accuracy of data. Other examples are documents, parking tickets or tickets. When „validate“ is used in everyday language, the user of the word is often ascribed a certain standard of education (since „validate“ is quite educational).

Challenges of „validation“

The validation of certain facts, products, ideas or concepts can be associated with various challenges. These will be listed in the following:

  • Avoidance of bias or prejudice (validation should always be performed without bias and without information from previous validations)
  • Detection of systematic bias (often the results are subject to systematic influence, which must be recognized and excluded beforehand)
  • Measurement difficulties (especially when testing complex phenomena that have a large number of variables or interactions)
  • Method selection (methods and techniques used for validation are often dependent on the nature of the element being validated)
  • Time and financial constraints
  • Collaboration and interaction of different disciplines
  • Neutrality of data
  • Immense pressure in terms of ensuring quality, reliability, and accuracy

All in all, validation faces a multitude of challenges, the elimination or inclusion of which should be considered in any case.

Conclusion on the subject of „validation“

So, in summary, the term „validate“ is a verb from the context of educational language, used mainly in science, IT, but also in spoken everyday language. The term means „to check something“, „to get something right“ or „to compare something“. At the same time, validation represents a scientific method for error prevention and quality assurance.

Related to the term „validate“ are, among others, the terms „confirm“, „verify“ or „check“. While „confirm“ basically has the same meaning as „validate“. Thus, „verify“ rather indicates an active check plus subsequent acceptance. „Check“ ultimately means only checking, but does not include any further action.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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