What is „Brown Noise“? Effect, explanation, meaning, definition

Brown noise means „brown noise“ in German. This is nothing more than bass tones that consist of very low frequencies and have a higher power density than, for example, pink noise. Brown noise can be generated by booming and low frequencies, such as a waterfall:

  • Waterfall
  • Thunder
  • Storm

Brown noise has nothing to do with the color brown. Rather, „Brown Noise“ is the derivative of the name of the inventor. This was a Scottish botanist named Robert Brown.

Frequency of Brown Noise

Frequency is the speed at which the so-called waveform vibrates per second. Physically, the frequency of brown noise is 1/f². Brown noise is the power density that is inversely proportional to the square of the frequency. This means that with brown noise, for every interval between two tones, the power density drops by 6 dB.

Above all, the brown tones are supposed to help you fall asleep. On YouTube, there are countless videos of these sound frequencies, from fireplaces to ocean sounds to rain showers. These soundscapes are supposed to drown out other noises or disturbing sounds and thus provide relaxation. The range of such videos is immense, so it is difficult to distinguish without compromise which videos actually contain brown noise. Videos in which an indefinable sound is played also collect thousands of clicks, and it can be inferred from the comments that people have finally found their well-deserved sleep again as a result. In addition, the sounds are also said to help with learning; it promotes concentration and makes people become more focused. It is also said to work in calming babies. The fascinating thing about this noise is that it probably brings back childhood memories for everyone, such as long car rides where you slept in the back seat. Others claim it sounds like standing in the shower and covering your ears while the water pours on your head.

The different types of frequencies are also divided into different colors. To concentrate better or fall asleep better, many people listen to forest songs or rain sounds. The difference to these background noises, however, is that with brown noise the sound is always constant.

Effect Brown Noise

If you have ever experienced problems with your concentration, you should try Brown Noise. Compared to White Noise, Brown Noise is much deeper and makes you think of waterfalls or thunder. Because of these deep bass frequencies, people are able to concentrate better. This is because it minimizes the distraction of other noises.

Some types of noise even help against tinnitus. Tinnitus is a noise in the ear that only sufferers hear. For most people who suffer from tinnitus, a sound source coming from an external source does not exist at all. Especially when the body comes to rest, the tinnitus occurs. Noise blockers or earplugs cannot help get rid of the agonizing sound.

That’s why sufferers swear by so-called sound masking. This involves artificially creating a soundscape and thus „drowning out“ the other, existing sounds. Therefore, the brown noise can even help to „drown out“ the tinnitus and at the same time relaxes the stressed body. Sufferers report that the brown noise even keeps the tinnitus at bay to such an extent that they hardly notice it anymore. For many sufferers, this is a real relief.

Other types of noise

Pink Noise

Pink noise could be compared to a tone that sounds when no station is tuned in on the radio. Pink noise is quieter in the high-frequency range and louder in the low-frequency range. If it is used during sleep, memory can be strengthened the next day.

White Noise

Sounds identical to pink noise, except that the high frequencies are perceived more. Especially in psychoacoustics, white noise is used to treat tinnitus. It also increases concentration and reduces stress.

Purple Noise

Purple noise is a sound that gets louder at high frequencies. Sometimes it is also referred to as purple noise. Tinnitus can be blocked with violet or purple noise.

Blue Noise

Blue noise sounds more like a hiss and is also referred to as high frequency white noise. Blue noise can help with shutting down. However, it is usually used as a secondary component.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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