What does „Punani“ mean? Translation, meaning, definition

„Punani“ is a vulgar Hawaiian slang term for the female genitalia.

Other spellings of „Punani“ are „Punany“, „Punaany“ and „Poonani“.

What does „Punani“ mean in English? Translation

Literally translated into English, Punani means „heavenly flower“ or „magnificent flower“.

The Hawaiian word „Punani“ is composed of the words „Pua“ and „Nani“. „Pua“ means „blossom“ or „flower.“ „Nani“ means „heavenly,“ „beautiful,“ „glorious,“ or „magnificent.“

In the Hawaiian language in the 20th century, „Punani“ was a popular name for women, precisely because it means „heavenly flower.“

US rappers spread a different meaning of „Punani“ in the 21st century. They use the term „Punani“ to refer to the female genitalia. (See also: Taki Taki)

In the Jamaican Creole language, the word „Punani“ also exists as a vulgar term for the female genital in spelling „Punaany“.

It is therefore unclear whether U.S. rappers changed the meaning of the Hawaiian word or adopted the term from the Jamaican language.

What does „Punani Tsunami“ mean? Meaning, translation

The term pair „Punani Tsunami“ originated, from the use of US rappers of the word „Punani“.

„Punani Tsunami“ has the following meanings:

When there are many women in one place, it can be referred to as „Punani Tsunami“.
„Punani Tsunami“ is a term for female ejaculation.

Punani – 6IX9INE

„Punani“ is a song by US rapper 6IX9INE. The song was released on August 2, 2020.

In the song, 6IX9INE raps about his lust and coitus in vulgar language.

„Punani“ is the fourth single released since 6IX9INE was released from prison in April 2020.

The video for „Punani“ released on received more than 40 million views within two days.

Other meaning of Punani

„Punani“ is the name of songs by various rappers and hip-hop artists:

  • „Punani“ by Kyze
  • „Benz Punani“ by Vybz Kartel
  • „Superstar Punani“ by Sublime
  • „Punani Power“ by Ebow
  • „Punani“ by Bitsu
  • „Tightest Punani“ by Vybz Kartel
  • „Punani“ by Irma Ilic

„Punani“ is a place in Sri Lanka. „Punani“ is located in the Eastern Province in the district of Batticaloa.

In Estonian language Punani means „red“.

„Punani“ is the name of a Berlin DJane.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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