What is „Seed Cycling“? Meaning, explanation, definition

„Seed cycling“ (or also called „seed rotation“) is a new food trend that is especially popular among women. Basically, it involves eating a rotating selection of seed fruits depending on the menstrual cycle. This is said to be beneficial for health and fertility. Seeds are overall in line with a healthy and wholesome diet as they contain a variety of essential micronutrients. Especially in the still very young stage of a plant, the need for antioxidant and protective ingredients is particularly important. Seed cycling“ takes advantage of this positive circumstance.

Seed cycling can therefore be regarded as an ideal food supplement to the regular diet. For this purpose, a selection of high-quality seeds and sprouts is consumed, which have positive properties and supply the body with important nutrients. However, in the following article, the reader will learn more interesting details about how this works exactly and where the new „seed cycling“ trend comes from.

Definition of „Seed Cycling“

The word „seed cycling“ is an artificial word from the English language and is composed of the two terms „seed“ and „cycling“. Combined, „seed cycling“ could therefore be translated as „rotating seed consumption“. This refers to seeds of plants, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or linseed, which are consumed alternately (and depending on the state of the female menstrual cycle). The second word „cycling“ refers both to the rotating principle and to the female menstrual cycle. Seeds are embryonic plants that are surrounded by a protective cover. They contain all the information for later plant growth and serve as a means of transmission for the genetic diversity of plant species. Moreover, the seeds are endowed with an above-average abundance of important micronutrients that can have a positive effect on health – and thus also on fertility in women.

Where does the term „seed cycling“ come from?

Seed cycling“ is a classic internet trend that is currently taking forums, social media and themed websites by storm. It is therefore not possible to trace the exact place of origin of this trend. Rather, it developed continuously on various forums on the internet before it appeared as an independent trend on news and nutrition portals. Seed cycling“ is recommended by leading nutritionists. Due to the name, the origin is assumed to be in the Anglo-American region. After the trend was first established there, it gradually spilled over into other parts of the world, including German-speaking countries, in recent months.

What is „seed cycling“ for?

Seed cycling“ is a special dietary method that aims to harmonise the female menstrual cycle by alleviating hormonal complaints. For this purpose, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are taken in the first half of the cycle (in the so-called follicular phase), while in the second half (in the so-called luteal phase) sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are taken. In this way, the woman’s oestrogen level can be balanced. At the same time, zinc, vitamin E and other micronutrients strengthen the body’s own hormone production. „Seed Cycling“ is practiced with the hope that eating seeds regularly at certain stages of the menstrual cycle can prevent various ailments, such as menstrual cramps, acne, premenstrual syndrome, irregular menstruation, endometriosis and menopausal symptoms.

How is „seed cycling“ implemented in concrete terms?

„Seed Cycling“ relies on the following ingredients in the selection (or supplementation) of its foods:

  • Seeds and seeds of plants
  • Legumes
  • Sprouts

The above foods are mainly rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as zinc, vitamins and other micronutrients and trace elements. These are thought to increase the level of oestrogen in the blood. In the second half of the cycle, the diet switches to sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, which again contain a higher amount of omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E to promote progesterone production.

For the first 14 days, flaxseed and pumpkin seeds are eaten (for example as a snack between meals), and in the second 14 days, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are eaten. The idea behind this is based on the approach that certain seeds can support hormone production in the female body, or positively influence it. The seeds, kernels and sprouts can be eaten either raw, fried or ground into a flour.

Social classification of seed cycling

Seed cycling“ is currently mainly a trend that enjoys great popularity in the esoteric scene. However, it is not possible to determine an exact age at which this trend is particularly popular. Socially, however, „seed cycling“ can be attributed primarily to the target group of women. Here especially women who are still before their menopause and are thus often younger than 40 to 50 years old. Seed cycling is also popular with women and couples who want to have children. Other target groups are often not aware of seed cycling or do not practise it.

Advantages and disadvantages of seed cycling

„Seed cycling is a new nutrition trend that offers advantages and disadvantages. These will be clearly presented in the following:


  • hormonal support can regulate the female hormonal balance
  • Natural nutrients are particularly gentle (for example zinc, vitamin E and omega fatty acids)
  • „Seed cycling“ is quite uncomplicated to implement
  • Holistic approach without any use of medication


  • lack of scientific evidence
  • Individual reactions to seeds, kernels and sprouts possible (for example allergic reactions)
  • the complexity of the female cycle often requires regular replacement of active ingredients

Conclusion on „seed cycling“ and similar terms

The bottom line is that „seed cycling“ is a new nutrition trend that probably originated in the Anglo-American world. This trend focuses increasingly on seeds, kernels and sprouts as food supplements, which are supposed to have positive effects on the female menstrual cycle. At the same time, these foods are supposed to increase a woman’s fertility. For this purpose, various plant-based foods are consumed in the sprouting stage – but every 14 days the selection of seeds, kernels and sprouts is changed.

The food trends called „intuitive eating“ and „flexitarianism“, for example, are related to „seed cycling“. While „intuitive eating“ relies more on intuitive eating for trusting the body’s natural signals instead of strict diets, „flexitarianism“ emphasises plant-oriented nutrition combined with only occasional meat consumption. This can also have a positive influence on women’s hormone levels.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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