Bill Gates riddle: solution, explanation, resolution, answer

Bill Gates riddle, solution, explanation, resolution, answer

Which of the five figures does not fit with others?

Is it?

1. square with border with blue filling

2. square without border with blue filling

3. square with border with green filling

4. triangle with border with blue filling

5: Small square with border with blue filling

Bill Gates is said to have solved this puzzle in 20 seconds. Harvard students are said to take only 40 seconds. How long do you need?

Spoiler alert.

Here is the answer:

Bill Gates riddle: solution, explanation, resolution, answer

Four of the five figures stand out because of a unique feature. There is only one figure without a border. There is only one figure with green filling. There is only one triangle. There is only one small figure. Who is left? Number 1. The first square with blue filling and with border is not unique.

Number 1 is the answer. Square number 1 with blue filling and blue border does not match the others. Number 1 has no unique selling point.

Why number 1 is not unique: There are three other figures that also have a border. There are three other figures that have a blue filling. There are two other figures that are the same size.

Wrong solutions are:

Number 2, square without a border, is wrong. That it has no border makes it unique, but it is the same size as two other squares and has the same blue filling as three other figures.

Number 3, square with green filling, is wrong. The colour is unique, but it is the same size as two other squares and has a border like three other figures.

Whoever gives the triangle (number 4) as the answer is wrong. It is the only figure with only three corners, but it has the same colour as three other figures. So the colour matches, but not the corners.

Number 5, the small square, is also wrong. Because its size is unique, but it also has a border and a blue filling like three other figures.

The solution as a table:

Bill Gates Riddle, explanation

2 to 5 all have a special characteristic. Only 1 has nothing special.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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