What does Fit check mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

A „fit check“ is when someone posts or sends a photo or video of themselves with the intention of getting feedback for the outfit they have chosen.

The expression „Fit Check“ is intended to draw attention to the outfit, i.e. the clothing choice, in a public post on social media. For this purpose, the expression „Fit Check“ is used either in the description and/or as hashtag #FitCheck.

What does fit check mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

A public Fit Check usually takes place in social media. Here, someone posts a video or picture of themselves with the description „Fit check“. The person usually does not want to have critical feedback, but to be praised for his outfit choice.- Thus, the public Fit Check only serves the self-promotion and means translated „Look at me and praise me“.

A private fit check as it takes place e.g. between friends via text messages, aims at the fact that one wants to present one’s outfit and wants to get a reaction from the recipient of the message. Here, one can aim for praise or criticism.

In another context, the expression „fit check“ means that someone wants to draw the attention of others to a person’s choice of clothing. This is done with praising intent. Example: If someone particularly likes a person’s shoes and wants to praise that person for their shoe choice, they say „fitcheck“.

„Fit“ is short for „outfit.“ „Outfit“ refers to the clothes one wears.

„Check“ is short for „check out.“ „Fit Check“ therefore means „Check out my outfit“.

Other meaning of Fit Check

In another context, „Fit“ is short for „fitness“, meaning physical condition and health. So, spelled out, „fit check“ would mean „fitness check.“

A Fit Check in this context means that the physical performance, physical health and physical condition should be analyzed. So it should be determined how strong, how healthy and how fit a person is. For this purpose, e.g. the body fat percentage is determined and the load capacity of the muscles is checked. This is all done with the aim of providing optimal training recommendations.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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