Who is Nick Eh 30? life, profile, biography

Nick Eh 30 is a Canadian e-sportsman, Twitch streamer and YouTuber. He is known for his skills in the online shooter video game Fortnite. He is one of the best Fortnite players in the world and competes for Team Luminosity Gaming in e-sports competitions.

Nick Eh 30: life, biography, profile

Nick Eh 30’s real name is Nicholas Amyoony. He was born on March 14, 1995, is 28 years old and his zodiac sign is Pisces. Nick Eh 30 lives in the Canadian city of Halifax in the province of Nova Scotia.

Regarding his private life Nick Eh 30 keeps a low profile. Apart from his whereabouts, it is known that his mother is of Lebanese origin. He is also the owner of a German Shepherd named Max.

Nick Eh 30: career, streamer, twitch

Nick Eh 30 started streaming video games on YouTube in 2014. At first, he played the action and horror games The Last of Us, Resident Evil 7 and Uncharted 4, but he became known as a Fortnite player in 2017. In this game, he is one of the best e-sports players in the world with more than 2000 victories.

In 2019, Nick Eh 30 signed an exclusive streaming deal with Twitch. Since then, his livestreams can only be seen on Twitch. On YouTube, he only publishes additional gaming content and highlight videos. Since 2020, he has been under contract with the e-sports organization Luminosity Gaming as a professional e-sports player.

Nick Eh 30: image, followers

Nick Eh 30 is considered to be a family-friendly streamer who completely avoids the use of swear words and verbal attacks while playing. As a result, he has also become one of the most popular e-sportsmen on streaming channels and social media platforms.

His humorous comments during gameplay have earned him 4.6 million followers on Twitch as of July 2023. There, he streams his Fortnite sessions almost daily. His YouTube channel has 6.85 million subscribers and his Instagram channel has 3.3 million followers.

Nick Eh 30: Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok

Twitch: nickeh30

YouTube: @NickEh30

Instagram: NickEh30

TikTok: @nickeh30

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