What does Shmunguss / Shmonguss mean? Netflix, meaning, explanation, definition

On March 4, 2023, the TikTok channel „Channel Everything“ published a video reporting about the new and unusual Netflix category „Shmunguss“. In the short video, someone showed that there is a „Shmunguss“ category in his girlfriend’s Netflix.

What does Shmunguss / Shmonguss mean? Netflix, meaning, explanation, definition.

In the video, a man said that he is in his girlfriend’s house. He scrolled through the Netflix movie selection and got stuck on movie suggestions in the „Shmunguss“ category.

In the „Shmunguss“ category, all the suggestions had the word „Shmunguss“ in the title. The following movie titles were shown:

  • The Shmunguss King (with Paul Giamatti)
  • I married a Shmunguss
  • The Shmonguss among us
  • Shmonguss‘ Revenge
  • Love & Shmonguss
  • In Shmunguss we trust
  • Shmunguss Master
  • The Shmunguss Project
  • What the Shmunguss

The video went viral and there were lively discussions on Twitter and TikTok about whether the „Shmunguss“ category is real. Here is the short answer: it is not real. It is a joke, and a fake!

So what does Shmunguss / Shmonguss mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

What happened here? The editors suspect that this was a joke to generate attention and sell merch. After all, Channel Everything now has a merch store selling apparel with „Shmunguss“ printed on it.

The exact meaning of the term „Shmunguss“ is unknown. In the short TikTok video, „Shmunguss“ is used as a universal word like „this“ or „that“. People, events, feelings and all sorts of things are referred to as „Shmunguss“.

Also, the exact spelling of „Shmunguss“ is not clear. Sometimes the expression is written with „u“, so „Shmunguss“. Sometimes with „o“, so „Shmounguss“.

Where does „Shmunguss“ come from?

The origin of the expression is unknown. The editors are only guessing and conjecturing here! It could be that the expression is inspired by „Rick and Morty“, because a) there are similar words and pronunciation (e.g. Plumbus) and b) in the TikTok video a „VPN“ to another „dimension“ is mentioned. From „Rick and Morty“ the idea of interdimensional cable television („interdimensional cable“) is very well known.

The expression „Shmunguss“ could be composed of two different words. These could be: „sus“ + „chungus“. Or: „sus“ + „hugh mungus“. Both expressions „chungus“ and „mungus“ are well known and widespread memes on the Internet.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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