What does Rashism mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The word „rashism“ is a portmanteau of the words „Russia“ and „fascism“.

What does Rashism mean? Meaning, definition, explanation

The term „Rashism“ is not a scientific term, but a political catchword. It can be interpreted to mean „a Russian fascism,“ that is, a fascism of the Russian type. But what exactly this is supposed to be is not clearly determined. This is because in the context of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022, the term „rashism“ is used in an evaluative form. The expression „rashism“ can also be interpreted as a statement. Namely, as a statement that Russia has become fascist and uses fascist methods.

Supporters of rashism are consequently: rashists.

In the English language the term „Rashism“ is used. „Rashism“ is composed of the words „Russia“ and „Fascism“. In the English language, the word „Ruscism“ is also used as a synonymous expression.

Since 2008, the expression „Rashism“ has become widespread.

Rashism and the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022

In the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the behavior, conduct, propaganda, and ideology of Vladimir Putin and Russia was called „rashism“ by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He said, „In the history books, the term rashism will be enshrined.“ Selenskyj further said that the word is new, but the acts are the same as those that happened 80 years ago in Europe.

Yossip Zissels, chairman of the Jewish Communities of Ukraine, called Kremlin propaganda „rashism.“

The term „rashism“ is widely used in Ukraine.

The term „rashism“ is also used in the context of Kremlin propaganda. The Kremlin propaganda pretends to be anti-fascist and claims that Ukraine should be freed from a neo-Nazi regime. Ukraine should be „denazified“. Also, the Kremlin propaganda does not talk about a war, but about a „special military operation“. The Kremlin propaganda also justifies the invasion of Ukraine by saying that a „genocide“ is taking place in the Donbass.

The term „rashism“ spread worldwide. US media, among others, used this term to describe Russia’s aggression and ideology. The New York Times used the term „Ruscism“ in the online article „The War in Ukraine Has Unleashed a New Word,“ published on April 22, 2022.

In Germany, the Tagesschau used the term „Raschismus“ in an article published online on April 7, 2022, called „Die Methode ‚Raschismus‘.“ The Neue Zürcher Zeitung used the term „rashism“ in an article published online on April 19, 2022, called „Kriegstagebuch aus Charkiw (42): Der «Raschismus» hat die dunkelrote Farbe von geronnenem Blut“.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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