What does „Noot Noot“ mean? Meaning, Explanation, Definition, Memes

The expression „Noot Noot“ might be familiar mainly to adults, as it has been around since the early 1990s, but recently it has been experiencing a lot of hype again, especially among young people. It is about the experiences and (sometimes shocking) discoveries of the innocent little penguin called „Pingu“, who prefers to use this expression. „Noot Noot“ can be an expression of pride, confidence, but also of overwhelm and wonder. It is part of the fantasy language of „Pingu“, which in turn is composed of various animal languages.

Although the term was originally only known in the children’s series „Pingu“, it has increasingly been transferred to social media in the last two years. There, it is now often used to make entertaining short videos. What the expression means exactly and in what context it is used everywhere is the subject of the following article.

What does „Noot Noot“ mean? Meaning, explanation, definition, meme

The expression „Noot Noot“ is a fantasy term composed of sounds and noises from various animal languages. While „Pingu“ uses this expression, his beak forms itself into a horn. „Noot Noot“ can therefore be interpreted as a typical animal expression without a fixed meaning and is used by „Pingu“ in a wide variety of situations. Among other things, it can be translated as „Phew, finally done“ or „Well, who says it?“ as well as „Hey, what’s that all about?“.

„Noot Noot“ is therefore often used in situations where „Pingu“ has mastered a difficult task or is wondering about something. But it can also be used as an introductory means of communicating with other penguins within the series „Pingu“. The exact definition of the expression „Noot Noot“ is therefore unknown.

Origin of „Noot Noot“

The exact origin of the term „Noot Noot“ has not been clarified beyond doubt to this day. It probably comes from the makers of the series „Pingu“ themselves and is therefore considered to be fictitious. Another theory is that the term „Noot Noot“ is derived from the French word „Nuit“ for „night“. Since penguins are mainly active at night and move in larger groups, the expression could serve as a means of communication between the individual penguins. Apart from that, „Noot Noot“ is in itself quite a funny sound, which perfectly expresses the basically cheerful and curious character of „Pingu“.

Use of the expression „Noot Noot“

The use of „Noot Noot“ is now no longer limited to the former children’s series „Pingu“, but in recent years the term has also gained a foothold on social media and in the spoken everyday language of young people. In the following subsections, the different uses of the term „Noot Noot“ will be discussed.

Children’s series „Pingu“

The children’s series „Pingu“ was first produced and broadcast in 1986 and was produced by the Swiss animation studio „Trickfilmstudio Otmar Gutmann“. It focuses on the entertaining and funny adventures of the penguin „Pingu“ and his penguin family, which take place in a fictional Antarctic world. „Pingu“ was broadcast in over 150 countries between 1986 and the mid-1990s and in the meantime received the BAFTA award for one of the most successful animated series. A striking feature is „Pingu’s“ use of the expression „Noot Noot“. He uses the expression in a wide variety of everyday situations – but often for no particular reason.

Social media

On social media, „Noot Noot“ often serves as an expression of enthusiasm and well-being, but also of astonishment and being overwhelmed. The expression is currently experiencing a lot of hype, especially on the platforms Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, where it is used in connection with funny pictures or short films. It is particularly popular for short films that initially show „Pingu“ mastering a difficult task, but then he is confronted with the actual extent of the task. For this, a cheerful and level-headed one first appears, proudly proclaiming „Noot Noot“. Before the latter looks in another direction, the sombre piece of music „Lacrimosa“ by Mozart begins and „Pingu“, overwhelmed, makes a sobering observation.

Everyday language

In spoken everyday language, „Noot Noot“ is used comparatively less often than, for example, in the children’s series „Pingu“ or on social media. If at all, „Noot Noot“ is used here by young people to draw attention to themselves among themselves or to use this as an introduction to voice messages on WhatsApp or other short message services.

Social classification of the expression „Noot Noot“

Socially, the expression „Noot Noot“ can be classified primarily in the areas of social media, pop culture and internet phenomena. The preferred use on social media platforms such as Instagram or TikTok also shows that the term is primarily used by young people. These are people between the ages of 10 and 25 who belong to the „Z“ and „Alpha“ generations.

However, since the term „Noot Noot“ underpins a positive mood and is considered playful and funny, it is also liked and understood by followers of older generations. This is especially true in view of the fact that „Noot Noot“ is a term of the 1990s and is therefore likely to be familiar to members of generations „X“ and „Y“.

Despite the rather superficial meaning of „Noot Noot“, it nevertheless enjoys widespread popularity and has a loyal fan base. Forecasts assume that „Noot Noot“ will therefore remain an integral part of pop culture and social media in the future.

Conclusion on the topic of „Noot Noot“

So, to sum up, „Noot Noot“ originally comes from the Swiss children’s series „Pingu“, where it is part of the linguistic repertoire of the young penguin of the same name. It is considered a cheerful, fun-loving and funny expression, used by „Pingui“ preferably in situations of joy, pride and wonder. For a few years now, „Noot Noot“ has also been experiencing increased hype on social media, where it is used in conjunction with pictures and short films. Often these are situations in which „Pingu“ is attributed a certain naivety and is then confronted with (sometimes cruel) reality.

Related to the expression „Noot Noot“ are, for example, the terms „Yeet“, „Oof“ or „LOL“. While „LOL“ is an acronym for the expression „Laughing out loud“, „Yeet“ is an expression of enthusiasm and triumph and „Oof“ is an expression of pain.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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