What does „No Pasarán“ mean in German? Translation, meaning

„No Pasarán!“ is Spanish and means in English: „They shall not pass!“ – shortened to: „No coming through!“

The shout „No Pasarán!“ is nowadays used by protesters demonstrating against demonstrations of right-wing parties and organizations. Among other things, the phrase „No Pasarán!“ stands for blocking or preventing a demonstration of right-wing parties by blockades.

The battle cry „No Pasarán!“ stands for resistance and is a call to defend democracy against right-wing parties and organizations. Among leftists and anti-fascists, the slogan „No Pasarán!“ is widespread. In Spain, „No Pasarán!“ is a symbol of the Spanish left. The battle cry „Alerta Alerta Antifascista“ is also often used.

On social media, the hashtag #NoPasaran is used.

Where does „No Pasarán“ come from? Word origin, history, meaning

The phrase „No Pasarán!“ comes from the Spanish communist and labor movement politician Dolores Ibárruri.

During the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939, Dolores Ibárruri supported the troops of the Spanish Republic against the troops of the fascist and later Spanish dictator Franco.

In July 1936, when the Spanish Fascists putsched against the Spanish Republic and wanted to conquer the capital Madrid, Dolores Ibárruri called for the defense of democracy and the capital. In her famous speech, she used the call „¡No pasarán!“ which quickly became the rallying cry of Spanish republican workers, peasants and intellectuals. With her „¡No pasarán!“ speech, she mobilized republican troops and boosted their morale. Dolores Ibárruri’s „¡No pasarán!“ called for a fight against fascists and fascism.

Dolores Ibárruri’s speeches were broadcast over the radio, reaching many segments of the population. There is no audio recording of Dolores Ibárruri’s „¡No pasarán!“ speech.

The „¡No pasarán!“ speech ended with „¡No pasarán!“ In the sentences whence, Dolores Ibárruri said that the Communist Party calls workers, peasants and intellectuals to fight against enemies of the Republic and enemies of freedom. Her speech ended with, „Long live the Popular Front! Long live the unity of all anti-fascists! Long live the people’s republic! The fascists will not pass! No pasarán!

About Dolores Ibárruri and No Pasarán

At the time of the speech, Dolores Ibárruri was a deputy of the Asturias Communist Party in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies „Cortes Generales“. In 1933 was elected to the Chamber of Deputies.

When the Spanish Civil War was over in 1939, Dolores Ibárruri fled first to Algeria, then to Paris and finally to Moscow. She lived there until 1977, returning to Spain only in the same year. The dictator Franco died in 1975.

In 1966, Dolores Ibárruri published her autobiography. This was called „¡No Pasarán!“

Dolores Ibárruri lived from December 9, 1895 to November 12, 1989.

By the way: Already in World War I, the French used the cry „No pasarán!“ as a call to their soldiers to defend France.

Grammar of No Pasarán: meaning and translation.

„No“ is the negative and means „not“ or „none“.

„Pasarán“ is the third-person plural future tense (futuro) of the verb „pasar“. The Spanish verb „pasar“ means in English: to pass, to enter, to come in, to go in.

In English, „No Parasán“ means „They shall not pass“.

Distribution of „No Pasarán“

„No pasarán“ is a song by Reincidentes.

„No pasarán“ is a song by El Quinto Regimiento.

„No pasarán“ is a song by AK-47.

„No Pasaran“ is a video by the German group K.I.Z..

„NO PASARAN“ is a documentary film by director Daniel Burkholz. The film was released on September 1, 2014. In the film, contemporary witnesses of the Spanish Civil War who fought against fascism were visited and interviewed.

„‚¡No pasarán!“: Vorarlberg and the Spanish Civil War“ is a book by Severin Holzknecht.

„It is better to die standing than to live kneeling! No pasarán!“ is a book by Götz Eisenberg.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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