„Delulu“ is a youth word from the English language. „Delulu“ has three meanings.
What does „delulu“ mean? Meaning, definition, explanation
1. A „delulu“ fan believes that one day he or she will marry his or her idol. (This is very very unlikely. Especially in K-pop, the expression „delulu“ is so in use).
2. If someone is „delulu“, the person has excessively high expectations.
3. If someone is „delulu“, a person often daydreams, he often digresses and gives free rein to his imagination.
„Delulu“ is the abbreviation for the word „delusional“. But, while „delusional“ means „delusional“, „delulu“ has a different meaning.
Its origin is in Kpop.
Delulu and KPop: Origin
Among KPop fans, there are some delulu fan girls, fan boys and stans. These really believe that one day they will date their idol.
In 2014, the term „delulu“ is said to have originated in the K-pop community. At that time (as now), the expression „delulu“ was used to make fun of fans‘ exaggerated ideas and desires.
In the K-pop community, you are „delulu“ if you believe you will one day date or marry an idol. Intentions to meet an idol „by chance“, for example by working in the idol’s music label, are also called „delulu“.
Since the end of 2022, the term „delulu“ has been spreading on TikTok.
Delulu = daydreaming
Especially in the third case of daydreaming, „delulu“ has a strong positive meaning. It means something like amiable daydreaming and fantasizing. Such a person seems slightly confused and strange.
What does „delusional“ mean? „Delusional“ means that someone believes something that is not real or true. „Delusional“ means that someone is convinced of something and that person rejects contradictory facts.
Someone who is „delusional“ has some idea of reality that has nothing to do with reality itself, and the person has no motivation to accept reality as it is.
(See: reality distortion field)
Other meaning of „delulu“
„Delulu“ is simply used like an adjective in the English language.
- „me and my delulu thoughts“
- „you are delulu“
In the English language, the term „delulu“ has been spreading since the beginning of 2023, and it has become more and more popular since April 2023.
The hashtag #delulu has been used over 750 million times on TikTok.