Who is the UwU Girl (UwU Voice)? Name, Explanation, Memes, Meaning

The streamer Hannah OwO (also called „notaestheticallyhannah“) became famous for her UwU-Voice in 2021 and 2022. In this UwU Voice, she said the word „UwU“ in a special childlike pitch.

Who is the UwU Girl (UwU Voice)? Name, Explanation, Memes, Meaning

In the short and famous video Hannah OwO („notaestheticallyhannah“) first said: „Sorry, I don’t talk in an UwU Voice. I don’t know what you expected me to do“, only to say „UwU“ in a special childlike tone. Her „UwU“ was followed by a loud „No“ and lots of laughter.

This short clip went viral and found many imitators on TikTok. The clip is now known by the following names „Sorry, I don’t talk in an UwU Voice,“ „UwU Voice“ and „UwU Girl.“

The origin of „Sorry, I don’t talk in an UwU Voice“ was probably a Twitch stream hosted by Hannah OwO („notaestheticallyhannah“) in the spring of 2021. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to find the exact originating video.

The clip of the UwU Voice was published on May 19, 2021 on the channel „NotAestheticallyHannah highlights“ under the title „Uwu voice)“. To date, the 25-second video has received over 18 million views. (As of June 2022)

On her own YouTube channel, Hannah OwO uploaded the clip of her UwU voice in a compilation on September 2, 2021. The video is titled „Hannah UwU voice ❤ [Compilation]“ and shows a video compilation of several recordings where Hannah OwO just said the word „UwU“ in her „UwU-Voice“. (The video has more than 4.7 million views to date, as of October 2023.)

In the video excerpt, Hannah OwO is talking to someone. Who this is exactly is not clear. Here it is likely that she was responding to a comment asking her to do her „UwU Voice“ and say UwU.

Distribution of UwU Voice / UwU Girl

Search queries for „UwU Girl“ increased sharply from October 2021. Searches for „Hannah OwO“ also increased sharply from October 2021. This is due to the clip featuring her UwU Voice.

From January 2022, the clip of her „Uwu Voice“ spread on TikTok. Many female imitators were found.

What is the UwU Voice?

Editor’s comment on UwU Voice: UwU is an emoticon that stands for joy and happiness, as well as cuteness and being cute.

It is hard to explain what makes Hannah OwO’s UwU Voice so interesting to many. The connection between this childlike voice and the young adult woman is part of it.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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