Who is Alla Bruletova? Bentley Girl, Life, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Alla Bruletova is a Russian model, content creator and influencer.

Alla Bruletova: life, profile, biography, Instagram

Alla Bruletova was born on September 15, 1999. She lives in Moscow, Russia.

Alla Bruletova is 1,58 centimeters tall.

Alla Bruletova is the co-owner of the fashion label _LOOK_FOREVER_.

In 2022 Alla Bruletova was criticized for animal cruelty. She published several videos with a captured and tortured brown bear. In the videos, she interacted with the bear.

On social media, Alla Bruletova writes about herself that she is a musician. The editors could not locate a song of hers to prove this.

The videos that Alla Bruletova, posts on social media are mostly vlogs and lip-sync videos.

Alla Bruletova: Bentley Girl

In the summer of 2023, Alla Bruletova became internationally known as the „Bentley Girl.“ In an ASMR-like promotional video, she showed how sensual a Bentley can be. To do this, she touched the car at various points and repeatedly breathed the word „Bentley“ into the microphone.

The promotional video went viral and many parodied it. Many imitated the scenes with their (mostly older and not so new) cars.

Alla Bruletova is given the name Bentley Girl.

Although the promotional video was released as early as July 6, 2023, it went viral only in August 2023. The original video has „only“ 1.5 million video views.

Alla Bruletova seems to know about the success of the Bentley video. On August 10, 2023, she published a video in which she showed a parody of an Indian man about his Tata.

On August 20, 2023, she published a video in which she presented a black Mercedes. On August 30, 2023, she published a video in which she presented a pink Mercedes. Here, she imitated the scenes from the Bentley promotional video.

Alla Bruletova: Instagram, TikTok

Instagram: bruletova_

TikTok: @bruletova_

On Instagram, Alla Bruletova has over 1.8 million followers. On TikTok, she has over 2.7 million followers. (All as of September 2023)

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