Who is Nic Kaufmann? Curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Nic Kaufmann is a German influencer, TikToker and fashion model with Indian and German roots.

Nic Kaufmann: curriculum vitae, biography, profile

Nic Kaufmann was born on 3 December 2000. He is 22 years old and his star sign is Sagittarius. He was born in India to an Indian mother and a German father and grew up in Singapore. Nic has a younger sister named Kiana and a younger sister named Sophia. His father passed away in June 2022.

At the age of 17, he left home to study Business Informatics in Munich. Shortly afterwards, he started uploading videos on a TikTok channel. Nic Kaufmann has since discontinued his studies. However, the knowledge of computer technology and algorithms he gained during his studies has helped him in creating and posting his videos. He is also proficient in using photo and video editing programmes.

Thanks to his authentic charisma and good looks, his videos reached between 50,000 and 600,000 views after a short time. In his videos, he regularly addresses his origins and the different cultures of which he is a part because of his parents.

Nic Kaufmann: Fashion, Lifestyle, Model

Nic has a special preference for fashion and lifestyle, and many of his videos show him in outfits he has put together himself. These often do not conform to classic gender norms, which has made him popular with both a female and male modern audience. His good looks and penchant for beautiful outfits had already earned him more than 2.5 million followers on TikTok by April 2020.

This brought him to the attention of several fashion brands. He has already promoted clothes by Prada and Louis Vuitton in his videos. In the meantime, he also works as a Calvin Klein underwear model in addition to video creation and photography. Nic Kaufmann is one of the German influencers who are also internationally successful; in many of his videos he speaks English. His hair styling tutorials are particularly popular.

Nic Kaufmann: fame, social media star, television appearances

With almost 20 million followers on TikTok and 1.6 million followers on Instagram as of April 2023, Nic Kaufmann is one of the most successful German influencers and the best-known social media stars. His level of awareness has increased even further through several television appearances. A feature as part of the programme „KiKA LIVE“ on 2 May 2022 looked at his career to date.

In the 15 April 2023 edition of the NDR talk show „deep und deutlich“, he instead answered questions about his current status as a social media star and what influence he has on his followers. He can also be seen in the music video for the song „Bye Bye“ by rapper MC Bilal.

Nic Kaufmann: TikTok, Instagram, YouTube

TikTok: @nickaufmann

Instagram: nic.kaufmann

YouTube: NicKaufmannYT

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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