Who is Scor (China rapper from Germany)? Curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Scor is a German rapper who lives and works in China, where he releases rap songs in Chinese. He describes himself as a China rapper from Germany.

Scor (China Rapper from Germany): Resume, Biography, Profile

Scor’s real name is Tim Oelrich. He was born in Bremerhaven in 1990 and grew up there. Scor is 33 years old and now lives in the Chinese megacity Shenzhen.

Scor started rapping in German when he was 13 years old. After graduating from high school, he enrolled in a language school in France to learn French. During this time, Scor met and became friends with students from China. This led to a fascination with China.

Initially, however, Scor studied business communication in Berlin and learned Chinese on the side. During his studies, he completed several semesters abroad in Shanghai. After graduating, he moved to the People’s Republic of China in 2017 and worked in Shenzhen in the marketing department of a large company.

Scor (China rapper from Germany): Career as a rapper in China

In 2018, he quit his job to focus on a career as a rapper in China. Under the stage name Scor, he released rap songs in Chinese. Scor is fluent in Chinese. He also has a tattoo on his forearm that shows an image of the Shenzhen skyline.

The song „Fortune Code,“ which was released by Scor on the social media platform TikTok, known in China as Douyin, made the German rapper famous in China in 2020. The song also appeared on the Chinese video platform Bilibili and went viral there.

Scor (China rapper from Germany): Notoriety in Germany

In Germany, Scor has become known primarily because, in addition to his YouTube music channel with Chinese songs, he also runs a German-language vlog channel on YouTube and a TikTok channel.

There, Scor regularly publishes videos in which he talks about his life in China and reports on the society and culture there. The vlog channel has 181,000 subscribers and his TikTok channel is followed by more than 400,000 people.

Scor (China rapper from Germany): YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter

YouTube (Musikkanal): @scor.rapper

YouTube (Vlog-Kanal): @scor_china

TikTok: @scor.aoxi

Instagram: scor.aoxi

Twitter: ScorAoxi

On TikTok, Scor (aoxi) has over 400,000 followers. On Instagram, he has over 110,000 followers following him. (All as of June 2023)

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