Who is Alexa Breit? Curriculum vitae, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Alexa Breit is a German model and influencer.

Alexa Breit: resume, profile, biography

She was born on 05.03.1999 in Kaiserlautern in Germany, where she went to a private school. She has Caucasian roots and was raised Christian. Her star sign is Pisces.
Alexa has blue eyes and blond hair and is 165,1 cm tall with a weight of about 48kg and wears shoe size 38.

She lives in Berlin, where she is also training to be a physiotherapist.

No information is known about her siblings and parents.

Alexa is very interested in fashion and glamour, likes to do sports and eats healthy and mostly vegan food.

In 2021 there was an annual calendar of Alexa on the site emso.de.

Alexa Breit: Instagram

Alexa became famous through Instagram, where she now has 1.2 million followers and over 600 posts. She posted her first photo in June 2015. Her agency is called TheCreate GmbH and is based in Cologne.

Link to her Instagram account: alexa_breit

Posts can also be found on her Facebook page, where she has 970 followers and 757 likes.
Link to her Facebook page: breitalexa

Alexa has also been very active on Tiktok for some time, posting dance and comedy videos there. She has 298,000 followers there and over 1.6 million likes.
Link to her Tiktok account: @alexabreit

In addition, Alexa also runs an OnlyFans account, through which her 12,100 followers can buy exclusive visuals.

Since September 2016, she can be found on Twitter and although she is now rather less active there, she still has over 2000 followers.

On Youtube there are some couple videos from summer 2021 of Alexa Breit together with Fabian Arnold, but no official statement on her page that the two are (still) a couple. Fabian Arnold is also a model and influencer.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

Hallo, ich bin Autor und Macher von BedeutungOnline. Bei BedeutungOnline dreht sich alles um Worte und Sprache. Denn wie wir sprechen und worüber wir sprechen, formt wie wir die Welt sehen und was uns wichtig ist. Das darzustellen, begeistert mich und deswegen schreibe ich für dich Beiträge über ausgewählte Worte, die in der deutschen Sprache gesprochen werden. Seit 2004 arbeite ich als Journalist. Ich habe Psychologie und Philosophie mit Schwerpunkt Sprache und Bedeutung studiert. Ich arbeite fast täglich an BedeutungOnline und erstelle laufend für dich neue Beiträge. Mehr über BedeutungOnline.de und mich erfährst du hier.

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