Who are the „Elevator Boys“? Names, info, resume, profile, biography

The „Elevator Boys“ are a content-creator group that has gained widespread fame primarily through their videos on the TikTok platform. The videos, in which a kind of role-playing game is made, became internationally known. The initial situation is as follows: As a viewer, you enter an elevator and in it stand the „Elevator Boys“. They flirt with their looks and body language. It is supposed to stimulate the head cinema of each individual. They became really famous when other TikTok users parodied these videos. However, the guys don’t take themselves too seriously. The origin of this fancy idea is a banal one: boredom.

Elevator Boys: Names and members

The five members of the content creator group, consisting of Tim Schäcker (22), Luis Freitag (22), Jacob Rott (21), Julien Brown (21) and the group’s „chick“ Bene Schulz 20 (years), got to know each other during Corona. In the beginning, each created their own content. After Tim and Luis met and became friends with Jacob, it didn’t take long for the group to start working together. Since the guys all lived in Frankfurt and only Julien was from Nuremberg, he was the last to join. That ended up being the lynchpin. From there, they started creating and uploading a wide variety of content on TikTok. They went viral with their POV (point of view) video „You enter the elevator.“ This has been viewed 1.2 million times.

The leader of the troupe is Tim, who works as a model on the side. The idea for the very first „Elevator Boys“ video, however, came from Jacob. The group is particularly popular because there is no rivalry among them. They convince with their relaxed manner and their authentic appearance. They harmonize well with each other and their main goal is to involve the viewers in the videos and entertain them.

Elevator Boys: Curriculum Vitae, Profile, Biography

The POV’s serve entertaining purposes. In their first TV appearance on the ProSieben show „Late Night Berlin“ with Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, they explain the background to their videos.

The five members were born and raised in Germany. They work part-time as models. They mainly create content on TikTok and have recently started earning money with YouTube videos. Although not much is known about their private life, there is some interesting information about them:

Tim Schäcker was born on March 12, 1999, he is also very fond of animals and owns a dog named Cooper. He grew up in Frankfurt. His star sign is Pisces. Luis Freitag has a brother with whom he has already shot a few TikToks. He was born on November 15, 1999 and is therefore a Scorpio. Jacob Rott, like his colleagues, works part-time as a model and is the founder of the group. He was born on April 3, 2000 and has the star sign Aries. Julien Brown is the only one of the troupe from Nuremberg. Julien was born on March 16, 2000. His star sign is Pisces. The „chick“ of the troupe is Bene Schulz. He also has a brother who is younger than him. He is of the zodiac sign Gemini and was born in Germany on May 23, 2001.

Elevator Boys: Links, TikTok and Instagram of the members

All five members are represented on various social media platforms. The links to each profile can be found in their individual Linktree web pages. On Linktree, all accounts are linked. So if you’re interested in paying the guys a visit, you’ll find their profiles listed here:

Tim: @timschaecker | Linktree

Luis: @Luis_freitag | Linktree

Jacob: JACOB ROTT | Linktree

Julien: itsjulienbrown | Linktree

Bene: @BeneSchulz | Linktree

Where does the group name „Elevator Boys“ come from?

In fact, the „Elevator Boys“ got this name from their viewers. The famous TikTok video was born out of boredom. But because it went viral internationally in such a short time, they soon got the name „Elevator Boys.“ The troupe does not feel attacked at all by the numerous parodies and reactions to their POVs. Rather, they use them to work with themselves.

Anyone who is now curious about the „Elevator Boys“ can visit their joint YouTube channel. New content is also constantly being created and uploaded here.

Apart from that, there is also the joint TikTok account, through which the „Elevator Boys“ have become famous.

The group also has an Instagram account, where their followers are constantly kept up to date on the lives of the „Elevator Boys.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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