What is Trauma Dumping? Meaning, explanation, definition

Trauma dumping is a trend in social networks, especially on TikTok. It is about more and more people sharing very stressful information with others, even if they are not interested in it at all.

People who are exposed to trauma dumping are confronted with a wealth of information they didn’t want to hear at the worst possible moments. The negative information is virtually forced upon them. They are forced to deal with issues that have nothing to do with them, but which they cannot simply dismiss. In most cases, the listeners do not have a suitable strategy for dealing adequately with the negative information. The abundance, in particular, can lead to strain and psychological stress.

What is Trauma Dumping? Meaning, explanation, definition

The person who practices trauma dumping is performing a kind of mental abuse – but without knowing it. He unloads all his soul ballast on a stranger, relieves himself and leaves the other person overwhelmed with it.

A few decades ago, there were still clear rules about what topics one spoke about openly or on certain occasions (for example, at lunch at the table). In the meantime, these rules have been completely softened. More and more people are confronting others with whatever is on their minds. This behavior is encouraged by the Internet, since people can be reached virtually anytime, anywhere, and by anyone. The medium of the Internet massively favors the harmful form of one-sided communication.

As soon as one enters the playground of social media platforms, one can be confronted with trauma dumping. The phenomenon is particularly pronounced among people with very large audiences (for example, streamers) who specifically want to involve their audience and thus build up a supposed closeness. Preferably, fake communication takes place in small groups between people who have no real social relationship. These relationships are called parasocial relationships.

Although the interaction with the other person creates the impression of a close relationship, this is actually not the case. So the popular people with large fan bases suggest a connection that doesn’t exist. They ask their fans about how they are feeling, so that they feel prompted to reveal intimate details. They turn their innermost feelings inside out.

Trauma dumping creates triggers

Trauma dumping is more than just rude behavior; it represents a boundary crossing and can be hurtful and upsetting. Even if it is the case that the celebrity wants to share genuine concern, it is still the wrong environment and opportunity to address health issues such as trauma. The question arises as to what the listener or viewer is supposed to do with this information. He is not a psychotherapist and can’t really help. But that is actually not what is most concerning about this behavior. In fact, he shouldn’t be embarrassed to take on this role at all. There is a big difference between saying that you are not doing too well right now and describing bad experiences from the past in detail. For in doing so, you leave your counterpart more or less perplexed. It can happen that the listener is triggered, that the negative reports bring up old, long since processed things from the subconscious and awaken very unpleasant feelings.

Conclusion: Trauma dumping

We all need to be able to let go of our worries from time to time and vent to someone we trust. This is fine if it doesn’t get out of hand. In most cases, the person involved is able to compartmentalize well. However, when he or she is confronted with real trauma on a regular and frequent basis, it is simply too much. Those who feel the urge to reveal all the details of their emotional situation should rather do so in writing – preferably with a diary entry. This relieves your own soul, but does not burden anyone else. The telephone counselling service is also a good place to start. The people on the other end of the line have been specially trained to listen to the concerns of others. Anyone who is suffering extreme distress should definitely see their doctor and seek psychotherapy.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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