The „Low Dopamine Morning“ concept is all about the so-called „feel-good hormone“ dopamine. The goal is to start the day with as little stress and stimulation as possible in order to keep the release of dopamine at the beginning of the day as low as possible. The theory is that this sets the tone for the day, making you feel calm, clear and focused throughout the day.
With the „Low Dopamine Morning,“ you avoid dopamine robbers like the smartphone or TV in the morning.
How does the „Low Dopamine Morning“ work?
Even though low dopamine is actually a bad thing and even one of the suspected causes of Parkinson’s, there is a real and good idea behind the current social media trend. By spending the morning focusing on things that don’t give you a „quick kick“ of dopamine, but a release as a „reward“ for work, you pave the way to stay in that dopamine release mode all day.
If you want to do a „Low Dopamine Morning,“ the first thing you should do is start by simply letting your cell phone be your cell phone for the first hour after you wake up. So, one refrains from social media, emails or games, as these things are known to cause a quick and far too easy dopamine kick. Also, the TV, radio and computer stay off. Instead, once you get up, you focus on yourself and your own body and enter the morning with a gentle mindfulness.
Ideally, you do one or two smaller, „chore“ tasks, such as putting the dishwasher in or out, making the bed, or putting away items from the day before that are still lying around. Some people meditate, exercise, write in a journal, or take care of houseplants or balcony plants. Overall, the main point is to avoid quick, easy dopamine kicks. If you don’t have a full hour in the morning, you can also adjust the length of low dopamine time – the longer the better, but every minute without stress is a benefit to the brain.
It’s also a good idea to push your morning coffee back a bit during a Low Dopamine Morning. The caffeine in coffee releases coritsol, which is a stress hormone. Those who are stressed are more likely to be looking for a quick dopamine kick to soothe the stress away. Many people recommend drinking a large glass or two of water first, instead of your morning coffee, or consciously enjoying a cup of tea and the morning stillness.
What are the benefits of the „Low Dopamine Morning“?
Such a way of starting the day puts the focus on yourself and on a more conscious approach to your surroundings. Instead of immediately losing yourself in the highly stimulating, colorful chaos of social media in the morning, you start your day gently, calmly and consciously. In this way, a „Low Dopamine Morning“ is said to make it easier to stay motivated throughout the day, make you more focused and calm, and most importantly, simply make you feel better.
What is dopamine? Explanation
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, also known as a messenger, in the brain. A neurotransmitter is responsible for passing signals between synapses, which are nerve cells in the brain. The neurotransmitter dopamine is also known as the „happiness messenger.“ This is because dopamine is responsible for enabling a person to feel feelings of happiness. Dopamine is released, for example, when a person completes a task or masters a challenge.
Dopamine is also released when using social media, for example, as well as when playing any kind of game. Dopamine is also to blame for the fact that people can become addicted to something, such as gambling, drugs, or alcohol. These things provide a very fast and strong release of dopamine, much like social media. When a large amount of dopamine is released too often through such „quick kicks,“ it can become extremely difficult to motivate oneself to do other things that require more work to get a usually smaller amount of dopamine – for example, filing taxes.