What is „John Pork is calling“? Meme, explanation

The „John Pork is calling“ meme shows a calling screen with a selfie of John Pork.

What is „John Pork is calling“? Meme, explanation

A photo used is a selfie of John Pork. The Isle of Skye in Scotland can be seen in the background. There are other calling screens with John Pork with adner selfies.

On TikTok, the meme went viral in March 2023. On March 21, 2023, TikTok user @rover.joe posted an edited photo of John Pork. He used the selfie of John Pork where „Doune Castle“ (Scotland) can be seen in the background. Over the photo he put the graphic elements of an incoming call. (Photo said „John Pork is Calling.“ A red button to reject and a green button to accept the call are also seen). Also, @rover.joe included a phone ring.

The post went viral reaching over two million views after just one week. The meme „John Pork is calling“ was born.

More about „John Pork is calling“ (meme, explanation)

It also happened on TikTok that fake „John Pork“ accounts appeared and caused confusion. The real TikTok account of John Pork is @john.pork.

The „John Pork is calling“ meme inspired many content creators to respond on TikTok.

Some creators showed the John Pork calling screen in their video. Here they told the story that John Pork called them several times. (So it must have been important.) When they still didn’t answer the call, strange things happened in the house. Lights flickered and it went dark.

In another video, someone answers the call. A voice speaks that she knows how to cure cancer. But as she is about to reveal the secret, the call cuts off and a police information screen appears.

The „John Pork is calling“ meme raises three more questions: Why is John Pork calling? What does he want? How did he get my number?

Who is John Pork?

John Pork is a virtual influencer and content creator. He is an anthropomorphic figure with a pig’s head and human body.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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