What is a „lobbyhoe“? Hobbylos, meaning, definition, explanation

The term „lobbyhoe“ is on the one hand a term for a fan of the german podcast „Hobbylos“ (by Rezo and Julien Bam) and on the other hand „lobbyhoe“ is a derogatory term (in the German language) for politicians, groups or parties that are said to be venal.

What is a „lobbyhoe“? Hobbylos, meaning, definition, explanation

The term „lobbyhoe“ has a positive and a negative meaning and connotation.

Let’s talk about the positive meaning first.

As already mentioned, a „lobbyhoe“ is someone who is a fan of the podcast „Hobbylos“ by Rezo and Julien Bam.

On March 5, 2022, Julian Bam even released a song called „Hoes from the Lobby.“ In it, he sings, among other things, „You’re ‚hoe from the lobby, hoe with the story“ and wonders, „Why are lobby hoes horny all the time?“

If you type in the search word „lobbyhoe“ on Google, Julian Bam’s song is also the first thing that comes up.

On social media, there are many posts in which users say about themselves that they are a hobbyless lobbyhoe. (By the way: fans of the podcast „Mixed Hack“ by Felix Lobrecht and Tommi Schmitt call themselves „Hackis“).

What is the podcast „hobbylos“? What is the podcast about?

„Hobbylos“ is a podcast by YouTubers Rezo and Julien Bam, which has been running on Spotify every Saturday from 00.00 h since July 17, 2021. The episodes last between 40 and 60 minutes, in which the two YouTubers give free rein to their thoughts.

Why „Hobbylos“?

The title refers to how busy the two web producers feel: They no longer have time for a hobby. But they also talk about their free time, because the podcast provides very personal insights. The aim is for fans of the two social media stars to discover some new facets of their role models. They have chosen the podcast format in order to enable a pure focus on verbally expressed thoughts without a visual appearance. This reduction really brings advantages: The colorful appearance (including Rezo’s blue hair) sucks attention away from their messages.

Topics in the podcast

It’s about politics (in the summer of 2021, Armin Laschet was still a topic, whom Rezo invited unsuccessfully), Rezo and Bam’s role as ambassadors for youth, climate change and also how to deal with (social) media. Rezo and Bam produce content non-stop and are thus part of the overflowing flood of information from which they have to protect themselves. For example, during an interview in the summer of 2021, Rezo pointed out that his friend Julien Bam had advised him to turn off WhatsApp notifications. This means: they are readable, but on the smartphone no longer appears on the WhatsApp icon the red number that indicates new notifications and virtually demands their reading and answering. Such a notice should be important for overwhelmed messenger users. There are teenagers whose smartphone stops working when it has been switched off for a few hours. When it is switched on again, it has to digest several hundred WhatsApp messages, which it can no longer do. Rezo and Bam know from their own experience this overkill of social media use.

Let’s now talk about the negative meaning of „lobbyhoe.“

Lobbyhoe: Meaning, Definition, Explanation

In a political context (in the German language), „lobbyhoe“ is a derogatory term for politicians who are said to have too much economic proximity and/or influenceability by lobbyists.

The term „lobbyhoe“ is deliberately judgmental here, as it implies that someone is selling their credibility, integrity and probity, as well as political influence, in exchange for offering political advantages to certain individuals, companies or groups. This is also generally referred to as „lobbying“.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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