Who is Jeremy Fragrance? Resume, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Jeremy Fragrance is primarily known as an influencer and web video producer, but is also active as an entrepreneur.

He became known internationally through numerous online video clips in which he presents perfumes and other scents and comments on them in his very own and personal way. In the meantime, he even enjoys international attention.

Jeremy Fragrance: curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Jeremy Fragrance, aka Daniel Schütz, was born on February 5, 1989 in Oldenburg. He lived temporarily in the district of Holzlar, in Bonn.
He is 1,90 meters tall, has blue eyes and is single.

Jeremy Fragrance’s beginnings: dancing

He established an early connection to dancing by joining the school theater at his then secondary school. Through this, he started a part-time job in an Oldenburg theater and also produced tutorials dedicated to dancing.

Before his career on YouTube, Jeremy Fragrance worked as a model at the agency „Cocaine Models“ until he decided to publish videos on YouTube about styling and perfume.

Jeremy Fragrance: YouTube, store and entrepreneurship

Jeremy Fragrance, as his stage name suggests, presents and reviews fragrances on his YouTube channel.

Striking with his individual style, he achieved very good click numbers early on and already reached more than 350,000. subscribers in 2018. Meanwhile, the fashion-conscious influencer has more than 1.65 million subscribers on YouTube.

Jeremy Fragrance built his very own online store on his media presence early on. He sells various fragrances and perfumes there under his own brand.

He himself further states that he has achieved a very high profit margin through these sales and that the store is very profitable.

Jeremy Fragrance: Pakistan

As Jeremy Fragrance showed in his YouTube videos and social media posts, he is a star in Pakistan. His activity in Pakistan and collaboration with Turkish celebrities led him to be noticed by an international audience.

Jeremy Fragrance: Fitness & Nutrition

Jeremy Fragrance is extremely athletic and extremely well-toned. He spends a lot of his free time in the gym, among other things, and completely abstains from alcohol, smoking or any other kind of drugs.

He maintains a consistent and sometimes bizarre diet, or rather, only eats very specific foods. He „enjoys“ a rather alternative-scientific style of nutrition, and is primarily concerned with optimizing his life and health.

In a video with YouTuber „MAX“ you can see the extent of his lifestyle.

He starts his day with a workout in which he walks around the city center without his body and does stretching exercises at regular intervals. Beforehand, he usually drinks a green tea or so-called matsah tea.

For breakfast, he usually eats eggs and fish, often with basil and parsley, while drinking his vitamin tablets and being orange juice with pieces. It is especially important to him that he does not eat carbohydrates during breakfast.

What is so special about Jeremy Fragrance?

He is authentic and does not pretend for his videos. On his channel, you can expect completely unfiltered videos of his very personal style. For example, he even punishes himself when he misspeaks or is 2 minutes late for an appointment or disregards his own schedule. It is also important that he honestly evaluates those perfumes which he tests himself. His opinion cannot be bought, which makes him seem very honest.

Jeremy Fragrance: Instagram, Homepage

Instagram: jeremyfragrance

Homepage: www.jeremyfragrance.com

His Brand: www.fragrance.one

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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