What does „Ramadan Mubarak“ & „Ramadan Kareem“ mean in English? Translation, Meaning

„Ramadan Mubarak“ and „Ramadan Kareem“ are said as a greeting and wish for Ramadan to fasting Muslims. They are said with similar intentions but have different meanings.

Ramadan 2022: Ramadan 2022 starts on the evening of April 2 and ends on the evening of May 2.

Ramadan Mubarak / Ramadan Kareem: Meaning in English, Translation

If you don’t want to upset Muslims, you should know the meaning of „Ramadan Mubarak“ and „Ramadan Kareem“:

  • „Ramadan Mubarak“ means „Blessed Ramadan“ in Englisch.
  • „Ramadan Kareem“ means in Englisch: „Have a generous Ramadan“. (Partly „Kareem“ is also written „Karim“).

„Ramadan Mubarak“ and „Ramadan Kareem“ are said at the beginning of Ramadan.

The Arabic word „Mubarak“ means „blessing“ in English. The Arabic word „Kareem“ means in English: „Generous“. In the Arab world, „Mubarak“ is a common surname.

Ramadan Mubarak or Ramadan Kareem: What is the difference? Meaning

„Ramadan Kareem“ is understood in the sense that Ramadan should be generous to fasting Muslims. Some Muslims prefer „Ramadan Mubarak“ because „Ramadan Kareem“ is a contradiction in terms for them. Ramadan cannot be generous in itself, but in Islamic faith it is Allah who is generous.

Both wishes – Ramadan Kareem and Ramadan Mubarak – have only positive intentions. Here it depends on the Muslims to whom one of the wishes is said and how to evaluate the wish. Who would like to play it safe, says rather „Ramadan Mubarak“!

Alternatively can be wished also in Englisch:

  • Happy Ramadan
  • Blessed Ramadan
  • Good Ramadan

For the time after Ramadan, when the festival of breaking the fast (Arabic: „Eid al-Fitr“) begins, „Eid Mubarak“ is said. „Eid Mubarak“ means „Happy Feast“ or „Blessed Feast.“

Ramadan is the most important month in the Islamic calendar and one of the most important festivals. Since the Islamic calendar is based on the moon, Ramadan shifts annually.

During Ramadan, fasting Muslims remember the moment when their prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Quran from God. With the fasting Muslims want to renounce all earthly needs during the day in order to come closer to God.

During Ramadan, eating and drinking between sunrise and sunset is forbidden. Gambling, smoking, alcohol and sexual intercourse are also forbidden.

See also:

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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