What does „Eid Mubarak“ mean in English? Meaning, translation, answer

„Eid Mubarak“ is Arabic and means in English „Merry Holidays“, „Happy Celebration“ and „Blessed Holidays“. „Eid Mubarak“ is used and said by Arab Christians and all Muslims worldwide.

„Eid Mubarak“ is said as a greeting to important Islamic holidays such as the „Islamic Festival of Sacrifice“ Eid ul-Adha and the „Festival of Breaking the Fast“ / „Eid al-Fitr“. Both feast are very important in Islamic culture.

„Eid Mubarak“ is a festive greeting and wish congratulating the successful fasting.

Ramadan 2022: Ramadan 2022 starts on the evening of April 2 and ends on the evening of May 2.

What does „Eid Mubarak“ mean in English? Translation

The Arabic word „Eid“ means „celebration“ or „festival“ in English. „Mubarak“ in English means „blessing.“ It is derived from the Arabic word „Bārak,“ which means „blessed one.“ In the Arab world, „Mubarak“ is also a well-known family surname.

Thus, „Eid Mubarak“ means blessed festival or holiday.

What is the reply to „Eid Mubarak“?

If „Eid Mubarak“ is said, it can be answered with „Khair Mubarak“, „Bayram Mubaraek“ (Turkish), „Eid Mubarek“ or „Eid Kareem„. „Khair Mubarak“ is also used to wish a blessed and happy holiday. You can read more about Khair here. „Eid Mubarak“ as a repetition also serves as an answer. „Eid Kareem“ and „Bayram Mubarek“ (Turkish) also mean „Have a Merry Christmas“.

See also:

Eid Mubarak: Eid ul-Adha and Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast)

The dates for the festivals Eid al-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha are based on the (Islamic) lunar calendar and therefore shift annually. Ramadan always takes place in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated for three days after the end of the 30-day Ramadan. It is one of the most important festivals in Islam. On these days, Muslims eat together, pray in the mosque, remember deceased relatives and meet relatives. The „Feast of Breaking the Fast“ is also called Eid.

The month after Ramadan is the „Shavwal“. It begins with the festival of breaking the fast. On the 1st Shavwal, the visit to the mosque is scheduled. After that, family members visit each other. Here, it is customary for younger family members to visit elders. So children go to visit parents, grandparents and relatives. A meal is eaten together. Children even receive gifts. Some Muslims donate to charity on this day.

During the Feast of Sacrifice, it is traditional for Muslims to eat a ritually slaughtered animal. The animal is slaughtered according to Islamic custom.

In Muslim countries, children are off school on Eid and employees are usually off as well. In Germany, some states allow Muslim students to get time off from school on the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

The term „Eid al-Fitr“ is a translation of the Turkish expression „Şeker Bayramı“. This is also called „Ramazan Bayramı,“ in English: Ramadan-Fest.

During Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat anything between sunrise and sunset and are only allowed to drink water. Alcohol, smoking and sexual intercourse are also prohibited.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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