What does OkOkOk / Lalala Test mean? Explanation, TikTok, Meaning, Definition

The „Okokok or Lalala Test“ is based on the song „See You again“ by Tyler the Creator feat. Kali Uchis.

In the song, Tyler the Creator can be heard singing „ok ok ok“ over and over again in the intro and outro. Kali Uchis sings „La la la“ in the outro.

What does OkOkOk / Lalala Test mean? Explanation, TikTok, Meaning, Definition

On TikTok, the whole thing has now got its own spin. Depending on whether you sing „ok ok ok“ or „la la la“, this is supposed to say something about your personality.

Whoever sings „ok ok ok“ is supposed to be balanced and introverted, as well as relaxed. Those who sing „la la la“ are supposed to be more wild and extroverted.

This also led to the self-names „La La La Girls“ (Lalala Girls) and „Ok Ok Girls (Okokok Girls). For more, see here.

Is it not possible to sing both? No, that is not possible. Because „ok ok ok“ and „la la la“ are sung at the same time in the song „See You again“. So you have to choose. Okokok or LaLaLa?

So in an OkOkOk or Lalala test you can find out whether you are more introverted or more extroverted.

On TikTok, the idea of the „La La La Girls“ and „Ok Ok Ok Girls“ went viral in March and April 2023.

The song „See You again“ was released by Tyler the Creator feat. Kali Uchis on 21 July 2017. It is part of the album „Flower Boy“. This was his fourth studio album.

About OkOkOk / Lalala Test

One should not take such a test too seriously. It gives some hints, but has no real scientific facts. Such a test is entertaining, but nothing more.

The OkOkOk or Lalala test can give inspiration about who you could be.

Other meaning of La La Girl

„La La La Girl“ is a song by Paffendorf. It was released in 2006.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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