OkOkOk Girls and Lalala Girls: Explanation

„OkOkOk Girls“ and „Lalala Girls“ are simply different terms for introvert and extrovert.

The origin of „OkOkOk Girls“ and „Lalala Girls“ is in the song „See You again“ by Tyler the Creator.

Ok Ok Girls and La la la Girls: Explanation

Whoever is an „OkOkOk Girl“ is rather introverted. Whoever is a „Lalala Girl“ is more extroverted. (Here it says „rather“, of course you can have a bit of both and also switch sides sometimes. But one already tends to one side, but not in an absolute sense).

Ok ok girls (Okokok girls) are rather balanced, reserved and introverted. Ok ok Girls like more private meetings. (They are less social and prefer relationships with depth.) They are more chill. Ok ok girls tend to be more thoughtful.

La la la Girls (Lalala Girls) are more extroverted, emotional and wild. They like big parties. La la la Girls are more sociable, spontaneous and draw their energy from social interactions. La la la Girls have large circles of friends and many acquaintances. La la la Girls show their emotions and have expressive communication.

See also: OkOkOk / Lalala Test

About „See You again“ by Tyler the Creator

The song „See You again“ by Tyler the Creator feat. Kali Uchis was released on July 21, 2017. The song is included on the fourth studio album „Flower Boy“ (2017).

In the intro, Tyler the Creator sings „okay“ six times. In the outro, he sings „okay“ three times six times while Kali Uchis sings „la la, la la la la, la la“ at the same time.

You can’t sing „ok ok“ and „la la“ at the same time. You have to choose one side.

The song „See You Again“ is about love, relationships, but also loneliness and the question of who you are. Tyler the Creator reflects on past relationships, analyses his behaviour and questions his identity. He shows himself rather vulnerable here.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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