What does „(getting) Krissed“ mean? TikTok, meaning, definition, explanation

„Krissed“ on TikTok means that a video you have just watched on TikTok suddenly ends with a Kris Jenner meme and the hint that you have just been made fun of. The video you just watched ends abruptly and completely unexpectedly with a scene showing Kris Jenner dancing and lip-synching to the disco-funk song „Lady Marmalade.“ The suddenly ended TikTok video was „krissed“.

What does „(getting) Krissed“ mean? TikTok, meaning, definition, explanation.

„Krissed“ thus refers to Kris, actually Kristen Mary Jenner, formerly Kris Kardashian. Kris Jenner’s first husband was Robert Kardashian. Her second husband was Bruce Jenner, who later publicly admitted his transsexuality and has officially lived as Caitlyn Jenner since his divorce from Kris. Kris and her children from her first and second marriages, Robert Jr, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie are the stars of the viral world. They are media personalities. The manager of their children is Kris.

„Krissed“ is more than just a reference to the Jenner/Kardashian family, though. It means to have just been tricked. The video that was krissed was a fake news, a deliberately started false rumor about a celebrity. It only serves to get users to watch the clip and then ends up saying that it is a Krissed clip. Dancing Kris Jenner indicates that the TikTok clip is a joke.

Kris Jenner meme on TikTok

Thousands of TikTok users have been „krissed“ as of late. „Krissed“ is the latest viral trend. For several weeks, users of the platform have been surprised by a Kris Jenner meme. The confusion was initially great. But gradually it became clear what this new hype is about. It is a meme that was posted specifically by Kris. It is a small clip from an old video of the Jenner/Kardashian family.

The video was originally uploaded to Kylie and Kendall Jenner’s joint YouTube channel back ten years ago. The Jenner/Kardashian family can be seen dancing to the then already iconic song „Lady Marmalade“. Kris is wearing a glittery green outfit that is now attracting a lot of interest on TikTok.

„You just got Krissed“

While the „Krissed“ meme goes back to the Jenners‘ YouTube video, posting part of the video as a meme has taken on a life of its own. The producers of the TikTok videos have their short films end with the Jenner mother dancing. These videos are used to spread false rumors in order to lure more interested people and thus generate more clicks. The subtitle for these Kris memes at the end of the TikTok clips is „You just got Krissed“.

The trend is spreading rapidly. Comments from users who are fed up with it are piling up and have tens of thousands of likes. They’re comments like „I don’t wanna get krissed anymore.“ But conversely, the Kris meme has been viewed millions of times.

It is not the first meme from the Jenner/Kardashian house. Time and again, there have been ones that were purposefully spread on the Internet by Kris Jenner, the matriarch and manager of the Jenner/Kardashian „company.“ In the English-speaking web, memes have been a phenomenon for years.

Memes as an Internet and Marketing Phenomenon

A meme can spread rapidly on the Internet. It can be a funny sequence, often with a meaningful message. This phenomenon has long been recognized by industry and exploited for its own purposes. Today, entire online marketing campaigns are based on memes.

Kris Jenner, who not only lives with her finger on the pulse of the times but often pretends to, knows how to harness the power of memes for herself and her family business. Some of her memes have already led to a veritable frenzy on the Internet in the past. The new Kris meme belongs to this category of purposefully placed Jenner/Kardashian snippets, which has just begun to go viral.

„Krissed“ thinks he has been taken in by a fake

TikTok users have also long since recognized the importance of the Jenner/Kardashian family and use its popularity to draw attention to themselves. Curious and interested people, fans and haters are attracted by the meme of Kris dancing. They are literally baited to fall for a fake message at first, but then they continue to tell it.

The dancing Kris meme comes from a YouTube video from 2012 in which Kendall, Kylie and Kris Jenner, as well as Kim, Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian, lip-sync to the song „Lady Marmalade.“ The song dates back to 2001 and is the version sung by Christina Aguilera, Pin, Mya and Lil‘ Kim. The Jenner/Kardashian family posted this video on the internet ten years ago. Today, the part with Kris dancing resurfaces as a meme.

„Krissed“ means made fun of. It works like this: a rumor about a celebrity is published. Then the meme with the dancing Kris from 2012 immediately follows with the hint that what you just saw was a fake and that you were made fun of. The Kris meme is subtitled with the words „U just got #Krissed. Send this to ur friends to absolutely #Kris them“.

So a rumor is started, only to be exposed as a fake in the next moment. For example, there are always false reports about alleged pregnancies. The meme of Kris Jenner dancing is the signal that this is a fictitious claim and that people have just fallen for it. So the TikTok user has been krissed. Again and again, at the end of these relevant TikTok videos, it says „You have been Krissed“.

Krissed clips are rumors outed as such

As the manager of her children, Kris Jenner uses every means to keep the family in the conversation. She also doesn’t shy away from spreading the rumor of her daughter Kendall’s pregnancy, only to have users point out that he was „krissed“ with the Kris meme. So this video is a „Krissed Clip.“

Users are lured in with the names of celebrities. They look at what is apparently new, only to be pointed out by Kris Jenner personally that everything is not true at all and that he was „crissed“.

It’s clear that this way of dealing with TikTok users doesn’t go down well with everyone. Some can laugh about it, others are just annoyed. But one thing is the same for everyone, they let themselves be lured, believed the rumor for a moment and then had to listen to the fact that they were fooled.

The Jenner/Kardashian family is becoming a lot more famous again with this meme. Their name is getting around the world, their clips are being shared millions of times and in the end, everyone feels like they are part of the family. After all, they have already laughed together and teased each other.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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