What does cabrón mean in English? (Spanish) meaning, translation, explanation

The Spanish term „cabron“ has several meanings. It is widely used in the Spanish-speaking world (Spain, Mexico, Central and Latin America).

What does cabrón mean in English? (Spanish) Meaning, translation, explanation


  • „Cabrón“ means goat. It refers to the animal.
  • „Cabrón“ is a vulgar insult, which is translated as „a**hole“, „sh*thead“, „b*stard“, „nasty pig“ or „filthy pig“. In English it is sometimes also called „motherf*cker“.
  • In Mexico and Latin America, „cabrón“ means „buddy,“ „dude,“ or „bro,“ among other things. Also, „cabrón“ is used as an expression for „lousy“, „skillful“ or „difficult“.
  • A „cabrón“ is used to describe a man whose wife is unfaithful. In Central America, the expression is used in this way.
  • A „cabrón“ is also used to refer to a pimp. The term is pejorative in this context. The expression is used in this sense in Latin America.

The expression „cabrón“ exists in a male and female variant:

  • male = cabrón
  • female = cabrona or cabra
  • The plural is: Los Cabrones

The expression „cabrón“ also exists in other languages:

  • Portuguese: cabrão
  • Italian: caprone
  • Venetian: cavron

Distribution of Cabron: Since the beginning of 2020, searches for „Cabron“ have been increasing worldwide. This is probably due to the suffering „Cabrón y Vago“ by El Fantasma & Los Dos Carnales released in August 2020.

Correct spelling of Cabrón

This article is reached by many searches for „Cabrón“ with „b“ and for „Caprón“ with „p“. The correct spelling of „Cabrón“ is that spelling with „b“. The spelling with „p“ is wrong.

„Cabrón“ in rap

German rappers and musicians from the USA use the term „cabrón“ in their lyrics, making it spread.

Other meaning of Cabrón

Cabrón is the name of a Romanian singer. He has been active since 1999.

Cabron (spelled CABRON) is the name of a Romanian musician.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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