The Fellowships’s Journey: Finding places / locations, Return to Moria

The author has discovered a total of five signs of the fellowships’s journey:

Signs of the Fellowship

Signs of the Fellowship, Return to Moria

A small set of plates and cutlery.

Location: The Western Halls, near the west gate, in front of the first camp

Note: The item can be destroyed.

Pippin’s Stone

An inconspicuous stone on the ground.

Location: The Lower Deeps, on the way to Durin’s Gate

Gandalfs Hat

Gandalfs Hat, Return to Moria

Location: Eastern stairs at mid-height; up the stairs to Khazad-dûm

The Fall of Gandalf

The Fall of Gandalf, return to moria

Location: Bridge of Khazad-dum; eastern bridge; directly in front of the bridgehead

The Cave Troll Fight

The Cave Troll Fight, Balins tomb, Return to Moria

Location: directly by Balin’s grave, just before you enter the city of the Dwarrowdelf

The Fellowship’s journey: Locations, Return to Moria

You can’t walk past the locations of the Fellowship’s journey. But you can still miss them. Some are just small inconspicuous details on the ground, others are clearly visible objects.

I have tried to describe as well as possible where I found these items and locations. Unfortunately, I failed with Pippin’s Stone.

Autor: Pierre von BedeutungOnline

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