There are various reasons not to Google certain key terms. On the one hand, there are risks for the psyche because there is content that can be disturbing. On the other hand, there is dangerous half-knowledge, which leads to facts being presented in a distorted way. In addition, some search terms can lead to the suspicion that one is involved in criminal activities. This is because Google queries can be traced back via the IP address.
In the USA, it is already common practice for the police to read out search data. With a court order, for example, it is possible to track down Google users who have searched for certain key terms. The following is more information on the risks that can arise when using Google.
6 things you should not Google
1. making self-diagnoses on the Internet – a dangerous game
It has become standard in the modern world to use Google to get information when in doubt. This is because the Internet is the ideal platform for swarm knowledge. Generally speaking, this is referred to as collective intelligence. At the same time, untruths and false information are mixed in. The boundaries between truth and lies are becoming blurred. This has fatal effects on search queries that revolve around medical topics.
If lay people search for symptoms of a disease, there is a risk of misdiagnosis. Numerous diseases can have parallels, regardless of whether they are severe or mild. As a result, people without prior medical knowledge may diagnose themselves with serious illness. In the long term, this can worsen psychological well-being. Therefore, it is important to refrain from looking for diagnoses. Going to the doctor is the better option to get meaningful information.
In the long run, quality of life can take a hit if Internet queries are not narrowed down. The constant search for possible diseases creates anxiety. In this way, even healthy people can run the risk of developing excessive anxiety. This has a negative effect on the quality of life. In principle, Google can be a help in finding initial clues. Ultimately, the right measure is decisive. Along with this, the information should be discussed with a doctor.
2. depictions of violence on the Internet – traumatizing content on Google
Curiosity can be the downfall on the Internet. There are depictions that are extremely disturbing and can lead to trauma developing. That is why it is important to exercise caution. People interested in political events should check the sources. It can quickly happen that one ends up on websites that have no censorship. As a result, visitors to the site see bloody images from crisis regions. This can have negative consequences for the psyche, depending on one’s resilience.
In particular cases of hardship, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur. One example is Facebook employees who had to review reported content. In this regard, there was a wave of lawsuits against Facebook in the U.S. because employees had to view extreme violent content. As a result, post-traumatic stress disorder has developed. In this regard, those affected have criticized Facebook’s lack of support.
This results in a particular danger for children or people who have an unstable psyche. Consequently, it is significant to take important preventive measures. Among other things, there is the option of using software to protect against unwanted content. Along with this, parental control programs can be purchased to block dangerous websites. In addition, there is the option to set the Google filter individually to minimize the risks.
3. supposed self-help groups – tips, with potential danger
Basically, self-help groups are an enrichment for life. One can proactively exchange ideas with others in order to grow personally. In addition, self-help groups are often a supplement to therapeutic measures. Nevertheless, the whole thing has its limits, especially with regard to the Internet. In the course of the Internet, numerous groups have been established, which have the intention to help. This is only true to a limited extent. Because not every group that is searched for on Google is also a self-help group in the positive sense. Therefore, it is important to remain critical and cautious.
In the meantime, dubious self-help groups have established themselves, which have negative consequences for one’s own health. On the one hand, there are groups in which anorexic people exchange information. The aim here is not to curb the consequences of the disease. On the contrary, users exchange ideas to find out how they can become even thinner. There are also dangerous challenges. In these, sufferers compare themselves in losing weight. These are therefore destructive groups that support a disease pattern and make it difficult for sufferers to find ways out.
Away from this, there are groups that are contemptuous of women. The danger behind this is that the groups are not overtly obvious as such. At first, the groups seem like a virtual meeting place for men who have problems finding a partner. Consequently, it can happen that people who do not have a misogynistic world view also come across the content. In reality, however, the aim is to incite hatred against women. Generally speaking, this is referred to as „incel groups“.
4 Dangerous dares for the Internet: „Balconing,“ „Killfies,“ „Free Solo“ and the like.
More and more challenges are circulating on the Internet that cross all boundaries. Young people are risking their lives to gain fame for a moment. But there are also adults who undertake irrational actions and also put themselves in mortal danger. Terms such as „balconing“ or „free solo“ have a dangerous signaling effect on Google. Young people may feel encouraged to imitate the „feats.“
One dangerous trend, for example, is „balconing.“ This involves jumping from a balcony. It has already resulted in numerous deaths worldwide. In addition, there are groups of people who dare to jump from the roof. Hotel chains have already reacted and imposed high fines on these actions. Nevertheless, there are always reckless actions that end in death. It’s a dangerous trend fueled by the Internet. Young people encourage each other to take „dares.“
Selfie tourism also poses immense dangers, and not just to the environment. In the meantime, people are talking about „killfies“ when deaths occur in connection with selfies. People risk their lives to pose in dangerous regions. Whether it’s while driving, on a mountain cliff, or on the railing of a skyscraper, there are many selfies that come with danger. People risk their lives to have the perfect picture. For this, they take long distances to take the best snapshot. Various deaths have occurred around the world because people wanted to take a selfie of themselves.
It is also not advisable to search for terms such as „Free Solo“. In this regard, people climb at dizzying heights without belaying themselves. A well-known climber from the scene – Kurt Albert – died in a fall in 2010. Another person who enjoys notoriety in the scene is Alain Robert. Among other things, he has climbed the Torre Glories building. It is an office building with 32 floors, which has a height of 142 meters. That’s why he has the nickname „Spiderman“.
If you really want to know, never google „Blue Waffle“ and „Trypophobia“.
5. „Scary Goofy“: a nightmare for kids
In recent years, videos kept circulating, of a person who calls himself „Scary Goofy“. Under the profile name „Jonathan Galindo“, the „Scary Goofy“ spread disturbing videos via social networks and WhatsApp. His target group was children, whom he encouraged to perform dangerous actions. Here, too, any boundaries are crossed, because it is far more than a bad prank. In the videos, children are encouraged to commit suicide or self-harm. Numerous children were disturbed and permanently harmed by the content. The portals have reacted and deleted the videos. Unfortunately, the videos are increasingly reappearing on social networks.
Consequently, caution is advised when googling for „creepy goofy“. To date, it has not been possible to locate the creator. Parents in particular should be mindful and check the content when their children are online. It cannot be ruled out that the videos will continue to be disseminated – even among children. It is important to educate children and raise their awareness of the issue in order to contain the negative consequences. For children, it is only possible to recognize the potential danger under more difficult conditions. This is because the videos are presented as a „game“.
6. google and spoiler danger – a danger for movie and series fans
People who are enthusiastic about movies and series run the risk of finding out the outcome early. Various series and movies are already aired abroad before they are distributed in Germany. Therefore, there is a risk that the course of a plot is already revealed on the Internet. Therefore, fans should exercise particular caution when it comes to Google searches. In forums or videos, other users reveal the outcome of a film story. It can ultimately take away the complete suspense.
The word „spoiler“ comes from the English language. The verb „to spoil“ stands for „to spoil.“ It is not uncommon for the information to cause outrage among fans when media outlets reveal important information. As a result, online portals now provide a warning when certain information is „spoiled.“ The danger of „spoilers“ is not unique to the film industry. In the book world, too, information can make fans reluctant to read a book.
Therefore, groups of people, search terms should be chosen wisely to minimize the „spoiler danger“. In addition, it is helpful to pay attention to clues. Online portals, as already mentioned, provide important clues. The video description should also be read. Here you will often find the first clues with regard to the „spoiling“ of plot information.