Who is Jonny Balchin (AustrianKiwi)? life, profile, biography

Jonny Balchin is a New Zealand TikToker and podcaster living in Austria. He is known for his TikTok videos as AustrianKiwi and his podcast called „The AustrianKiwi Podcast“. He uses these formats to talk about his love for Austria and tell about his life there.

Jonny Balchin (AustrianKiwi): life, biography, profile

Born in New Zealand in 1998, Johnny Balchin is 25 years old. In 2019, he left a well-paying job in New Zealand to travel the world. First, he traveled to Thailand and Cambodia with his friend Jess. In Cambodia, he met his current girlfriend Maria, who was born and raised in Austria. The couple now lives on a farm in the village of Straßwalchen in Salzburg.

In 2021, Jonny Balchin began posting humorous videos about his life in Austria on TikTok and posting photos of his experiences on Instagram. With his videos and podcast, he not only documents his own life in Austria, but also shows viewers many cultural peculiarities of Austrians.

Among the topics he discusses are cultural Austrian customs, life on the farm, and his favorite Austrian word, „Oida.“ The term actually means „old age“ but has become a versatile youth word in Austria.

Jonny Balchin (AustrianKiwi): Podcast, success

In addition to being a TikToker, Johnny Balchin produces a podcast called „The AustrianKiwi Podcast.“ The format consists mainly of interviews with people who, like Jonny, come from other countries but have found their adopted home in Austria.

Jonny Balchin’s TikTok channel is followed by more than 178,000 people, while his Instagram channel has 228,000 followers.

Jonny Balchin (AustrianKiwi): Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube

TikTok: @austriankiwi

Instagram: austriankiwii

YouTube: @austriankiwi

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