Who is Cosmicat? life, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Cosmicat is an artist, electro music producer and DJane from Saudi Arabia.

Cosmicat: life, biography, profile

Cosmicat was born and raised in the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah in Mecca province. Her real name is Nouf Sufyani. She is 31 years old.

Before she started her career as an independent music producer, she worked as a dentist. She got into DJing through her private love for electronic music and through friends who shared her passion. As a child, she bought a tape recorder to create her own music mixes from the songs that were playing on the radio.

In her teenage years, she created homemade playlists on CD. Since there were no opportunities for women to receive music training to become DJs in Saudi Arabia, she taught herself all of her skills through online research, practice, and meeting male Saudi Arabian DJs.

The name Cosmicat is a mixture of the words „cosmology“ and „cat,“ the English words for cosmology and cat. Cosmology is a hobby of Nouf and cats are her personal favorite animals.

Cosmicat: First female Saudi Arabian DJane

As of 2018, Cosmicat was performing regularly in the Saudi Arabian underground music scene as a DJane. She became known beyond the borders of her home country through her performance at the largest Saudi Arabian music festival MDLBeast Soundstorm. Since then, she has also made appearances outside of Saudi Arabia at major international music events. These include appearances at Belgium’s Tomorrowland open-air music festival and Serbia’s EXIT festival.

Cosmicat’s own music productions and DJ sets are characterized by a mix of fast techno beats and soft house rhythms. Her singles are released through the YouTube channel of Saudi Arabian media company MDLBeast.

As the first professional Saudi Arabian DJane, she advocates for more freedom and emancipation for all women in Saudi Arabia. To this day, Cosmicat lives in Jeddah and tries to support women in the electro music scene there.

Well-known musical releases of hers are: Baby (2023), Acension EP (2023), Can you feel (2023), Set me free (2022), Yalla (2022), Mashaweer (2022), Toxic Romance (2021) and Dilemma (2020).

Cosmicat: Instagram, TikTok

Instagram: cosmicatx

TikTok: @cosmicatx

On Instagram, Cosmicat has over 19,000 followers.

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