Who is Corinna Kopf? Curriculum vitae, Profile, Biography, Instagram

Corinna Kopf is a streamer who operates under the nickname „Pouty Girl“. Corinna Kopf also publishes erotic content (OF) on the Internet.

Corinna Kopf? Curriculum vitae, profile, biography

Corinna Kopf was born on December 1, 1995. She was born in Illinois, USA and now lives in Los Angeles, USA. Previously she lived in Chicago, among other places.

Corinna Kopf spent some time of her childhood in Germany, because parts of her family have their roots in Germany. That is why she speaks German as well as her native English.

Corinna Kopf has been active on Instagram since 2012.

Corinna Kopf has been active as a web video producer since 2017 and later as a gaming and entertainment streamer. She streamed Fortnite and League of Legends, among others.

Among other things, there was trouble with Twitch in 2019, so Corinna Kopf switched to Facebook Gaming. In the meantime, she is active on Twitch again.

Since June 9, 2021, Corinna Kopf is also represented on OnlyFans. There she is said to have earned – according to her own statements – over one million dollars in the first two days.

Corinna Kopf has been a member of David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad since 2015.

It is known about Corinna Kopf that she has had plastic surgery on her lips. She is also not averse to tattoos and piercings. On one finger she has tattooed the words „David’s Vlog“.

She calls herself „Pouty Girl.“ „Pouty“ means „grumpy“. So: pouty girl or grumpy girl.

Corinna Kopf? Instagram, Twitch

Instagram: corinnakopf


On Twitch, Corinna Kopf has over 860,000 followers. On Instagram, she has over 6.4 million followers. (Both as of June 2022)

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